

Fundi can refer to:
* Fundi (politics) fundamentalist greens, notably in Germany; contrast with realo
* In the Central African lingua franca Swahili, fundi means any craftsperson or skilled technician, such as a carpenter, plumber or mechanic.
*In South African English a fundi (from isiZulu "umfundi" "learner") is an expert in a particular field.
* In biology, fundi means the bottom or the lowest part of a sac or hollow organ; that part which is the furthest from the opening.
* An abbreviation for Fundamentalist Christianity.
* The Latin name of Fondi, a Roman town in Italy that received full Roman citizenship rights in 188 BCE, along with Arpinum and Formiae
* Nick name for a student that drinks a lot of Ad Fundums (meaning Bottom's Up)
* To the Rastafarians of Jamaica, Fundi means Do Good and is the sound the heart is continually resounding reminding us to follow a righteous path. The origin of this word dates back to the swahili definition that a master of the craft of life has a heart continually driving them forward to manifest good works.

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