Universidad Cristiana del Sur

Universidad Cristiana del Sur

"Universidad Cristiana del Sur" (Southern Christian University) is located in San Jose, Costa Rica; it offers Associate, Bachelor, Licentiate (Master's) and Doctorate degrees.

Founded in 1997 by Hardy Parkerson Lake Charles, Louisiana Attorney, the university offers, Full On Campus, Online, or Blended Programs. All programs are "Full English" instruction, yet Spanish courses are available.


"Universidad Cristiana del Sur" is accredited by the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica - The Ministry of Education - Adult Council on Higher Education Private Universities (CONESUP) to award state format Bachelor degrees and, as such, degrees awarded enjoy equivalency to Regional Accreditation from the United States. The United States Department of Education finds that CONESUP has similar accreditation standards (NCFMEA).

The webpage of the Ministry of Education has a list with the accredited private universities in the country, which are accredited by the National Superior Education Committee --Consejo Nacional de Educacion Superior (Conesup). The website is the following:

"Universidad Cristiana del Sur" appears on that list, however only Bachelor’s and Licenciate degrees appear there in the areas of law, business administration, and theology. As the University also offers Master's and doctoral degree programs, there has recently been a discussion if these degrees are valid. Article 8 of Costa Rican law 6693-81 establishes that "once its operation has been authorized, any private university shall enjoy total liberty to develop its academic activities and curriculum as well as its study plans and the establishment of degree programs" (Conesup decree No. 270-98; official English translation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Costa Rica). Appearance of a degree on the "Carreras Aprobadas" ("Approved Careers") list published by the Consejo Nacional de Educacion Superior (Conesup) does only indicate that a given degree is recognized as entrance qualification to a specific professional career. This however does not diminish the validity of any degree, awarded by a fully accredited private university, which does not appear on the list.

External links

* [http://www.scu.ac.cr University Website]
* [http://www.mep.go.cr/CarrerasAprobadas.html Ministry of Education]

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