Petr Bendl

Petr Bendl

Petr Bendl (born January 24, 1966 in Kladno) is a Czech politician. Bendl is a Governor of the Central Bohemian Region since 2004.

Bendl is a graduate at Engineering and Textile University in Liberec. After short spell as firefighter, he worked director of Kladno district office and municipal offices departments.

In 1991 Bendl entered the Civic Democratic Party and as the partys leader he was elected member of the Kladno city assembly in 1994 becoming mayor of the city immediately.

Bendl was also vice-president of the Union of Cities and Municipalities of the Czech Republic in 1997-1998.

In 1998 he was elected into the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic (resigned in 2001 due to his regional career) as well into the Kladno assembly and was thus replaced by Milan Volf as the new Kladno mayor, staying only in the city council till 2000.

In 2000 he was elected in the Central Bohemian Region assembly and became first Governor of the region. He defended his seat successfully in 2004.

Since 2002 Bendl is vice-chairman of the Civic Democratic Party.

Bendl is married and has two sons.

External links

* [ Personal website of Petr Bendl] (in Czech)
* [ Petr Bendl] on website of the Civic Democratic Party (in English)
* [ Petr Bendl] on website of the Civic Democratic Party (in Czech)
* [ Bendl] on site (1000 Leaders of the Czech Republic)


* "Bendl Petr, Ing. - politik" in Třeštík, Michael (ed.): "Kdo je kdo. Osobnosti české současnosti". Agentura Kdo je kdo, Praha 2005, p. 35.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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