

An apostille, or postil, is properly a gloss on a scriptural text, particularly on a gospel text; however, it has come to mean an explanatory note on other writings. The word is also applied to a general commentary, and also to a homily or discourse on the gospel or epistle appointed for the day. The pronunciation of the word “apostille” can vary, but most U.S. apostille offices pronounce it “ă pŏs tēēl”.

, and certain other documents, and then certified with a conformant apostille are accepted for legal use in all the nations that have signed the Hague Convention.

For example, when the will of an Australian decedent who had assets in Hong Kong is probated in Australia, if it then has to be presented in Hong Kong in order to transfer estate assets in Hong Kong to Australia, an Australian government apostille must be affixed to the following documents after notarization by an Australian Notary Public:
#Death certificate
#A copy of the will This is also true for the United Kingdom, which like Hong Kong is a signatory to the 1961 Hague Convention.

Obtaining an apostille can be a highly complex process. Getting a birth certificate with apostille in New York, for example, requires applying to three separate offices in succession. [http://thomascrampton.com/2007/05/17/getting-a-ny-birth-certificate-with-apostille/]

In countries which are not signatories to the 1961 convention and do not recognize the apostille, a foreign public document must be legalized by a consular officer in the country which issued the document. In lieu of an apostille, documents in the U.S. usually will receive a Certificate of Authentication.



ee also

* Postil
* Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents List of Parties to the Convention
* Commentaries on the Bible
* Exegesis
* Midrash
* Pardes (Jewish exegesis)

External links

* [http://hcch.e-vision.nl/index_en.php?act=conventions.text&cid=41 Official Hague Agreement Site for Apostille]

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  • apostille — [ apɔstij ] n. f. • fin XVe; de apostiller 1 ♦ Dr. Addition faite en marge d un écrit, d une lettre. ⇒ annotation, note, post scriptum. 2 ♦ (1802) Mot de recommandation ajouté à une lettre, une pétition. ● apostille nom féminin Addition ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • apostille — APOSTILLE. s. f. Addition faite à la marge d un écrit, ou au bas d une lettre. Ily avoit deux lignes en apostille. L apostille d une lettre. Après sa lettre écrite, il mandoit par apostille …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • apostille — apostille, or appostille /apostsl/ L. Fr. An addition; a marginal note or observation. A standard certification provided under the Hague Convention of 1961 for purpose of authenticating documents for use in foreign countries + appostille, or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • apostille — apostille, or appostille /apostsl/ L. Fr. An addition; a marginal note or observation. A standard certification provided under the Hague Convention of 1961 for purpose of authenticating documents for use in foreign countries + appostille, or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • apostillé — apostillé, ée (a po sti llé, llée, ll mouillées) part. passé. À quoi une apostille a été mise. •   Les placets étaient reçus par un maître des requêtes qui les rendait apostillés, VOLT. Louis XIV, 29 …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • apostille — (n.) note, especially on text of the Bible, also apostil, 1520s, from Fr. apostille (15c.), probably from M.L. postilla, which probably represents L. post illa, lit. after those …   Etymology dictionary

  • apostille — APOSTILLE. s. f. Addition faite à la marge d un escrit, ou au bas d une lettre. Il y avoit deux lignes en apostille …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Apostille — Parteien zum Apostille Übereinkommen Beitrittsländer (Mitglieder der HCCH) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • apostille — (a po sti ll , ll mouillées, et non apo sti ye) s. f. 1°   Annotation en marge ou au bas d un écrit. Écrire en apostille. •   Ce que j ai lu dans l apostille de votre lettre ne m a pas extrêmement plu, BALZ. liv. VIII, lett. 45. •   Luther, dans… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • APOSTILLE — s. f. Addition faite à la marge d un écrit ou au bas d une lettre. Il y avait deux lignes en apostille. L apostille d une lettre. Après sa lettre écrite, il manda cette nouvelle par apostille.   Il se dit, particulièrement, Des recommandations qu …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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