- Alan Needleman
Alan Needleman was born in 1944 in
Philadelphia, PA and is currently theFlorence Pirce Grant University Professor ofMechanics of Solids and Structures atBrown University inProvidence, RI . Professor Needleman received his B.S. from theUniversity of Pennsylvania in 1966, a M.S. and Ph.D. fromHarvard University in 1967 and 1970 respectively under the advisorship ofJohn W. Hutchinson . He was an Instructor and Assistant Professor in the Department ofApplied Mathematics at theMassachusetts Institute of Technology from 1970 to 1975. He has been a Professor of Engineering atBrown University since 1975, and served as the Dean of the Engineering Department from 1988 to 1991.Professor Needleman's main research interests are in the
computational modeling ofdeformation andfracture processes instructural materials , in particularmetals . A general objective is to provide quantitative relations between the measurable (and hopefully controllable) features of the materials' micro-scale structure and its macroscopic mechanical behavior. Ongoing research projects involve studies ofductile fracture and ductile-brittle transitions; crack growth in heterogeneousmicrostructure s with particular emphasis on the role ofinterface s; nonlocal anddiscrete dislocation plasticity ;fatigue crack growth ; andfast fracture inbrittle solids.Professor Needleman is a Member of the
National Academy of Engineering , a Fellow of theAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers , a Fellow of theAmerican Academy of Mechanics , an Honorary Member of MECAMAT (Groupe Français de Mecanique des Matériaux ) and a Foreign Member of theDanish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics . He has been recognized byInstitute for Scientific Information (ISI) Science Citation Index as a highly cited author both inEngineering and inMaterials Science . In 1994, his work on 3D modeling of metallic fracture was a finalist in the Science Category for the Computerworld-Smithsonian Award. In 2006 he was the recipient of both theWilliam Prager Medal and theDrucker Medal and received an Honorary Doctorate fromTechnical University of Denmark (DTU).Some of his most highly cited publications (taken from [http://portal.isiknowledge.com/portal.cgi?DestApp=WOS&DestParams=%3F%26CustomersID%3Disi_hcr%26CustomersIP%3D128.148.123.1%26Func%3DLinks%26ImgLogo%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages.isiknowledge.com%252FImages%252FLinks%252FWOK3%252Fwos_ret_hcr.gif%26PointOfEntry%3DFullRecord%26Promo%2BCode%3Dhcr%26PublisherID%3Disi_hcr%26ReturnLink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fhcr3.isiknowledge.com%252FformViewCharacteristic.cgi%253Ftable%253DPublication%2526link1%253DSearch%2526link2%253DSearch%252520Results%2526link3%253DBiography%2526id%253D5%26ServiceName%3DTransferToWos%26ServiceUser%3DLinks%26SrcDesc%3DReturn%2520to%2520ISIHighlyCited.com%26UT%3D000166384800006&DestFail=http%3A%2F%2Fisihighlycited.com%2Fisi_copy%2Finfo_links.htm&Init=Yes&SID=E1DPI4kCDN5m1nJkld4 ISI Web of Knowledge] ) include:
Needleman, A. and J. R. Rice (1980). "Plastic Creep Flow Effects In The Diffusive Cavitation Of Grain-Boundaries." Acta Metallurgica 28(10): 1315-1332.
Christman, T., A. Needleman, et al. (1989). "An Experimental And Numerical Study Of Deformation In Metal Ceramic Composites." Acta Metallurgica 37(11): 3029-3050.
Asaro, R. J. and A. Needleman (1985). "Overview.42. Texture Development And Strain-Hardening In Rate Dependent Polycrystals." Acta Metallurgica 33(6): 923-953. Peirce, D., R. J. Asaro, Needleman, A. (1983). "Material Rate Dependence And Localized Deformation In Crystalline Solids." Acta Metallurgica 31(12): 1951-1976. Pierce, D., C. F. Shih, Needleman, A. (1984). "A Tangent Modulus Method For Rate Dependent Solids." Computers & Structures 18(5): 875-887.
Xu, X. P. and A. Needleman (1994). "Numerical Simulations Of Fast Crack-Growth In Brittle Solids." Journal Of The Mechanics And Physics Of Solids 42(9): 1397-&. Needleman, A. (1987). "A Continuum Model For Void Nucleation By Inclusion Debonding." Journal Of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 54(3): 525-531. Chu, C. C. and A. Needleman (1980). "Void Nucleation Effects In Biaxially Stretched Sheets." Journal Of Engineering Materials And Technology-Transactions of the ASME 102(3): 249-256.
Needleman, A. and V. Tvergaard (1987). "An Analysis Of Ductile Rupture Modes At A Crack Tip." Journal Of The Mechanics And Physics Of Solids 35(2): 151-183. Vandergiessen, E. and A. Needleman (1995). "Discrete Dislocation Plasticity - A Simple Planar Model." Modelling And Simulation In Materials Science And Engineering 3(5): 689-735.
Professor Needleman often collaborates with
Viggo Tvergaard , John Hutchinson,Subra Suresh , andEric Van der Giessen among others in bothmaterials science andmechanics .References
[http://www.engin.brown.edu/Faculty/Needleman/ Professor Needleman's web page]
[http://isihighlycited.com/ ISI highly cited page]
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