

color = lightgreen
name = "Prasiola"
domain = Eukaryota
regnum = Viridiplantae
phylum = Chlorophyta
classis = Trebouxiophyceae
ordo = Prasiolales
familia = Prasiolaceae
genus = "Prasiola"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "P. fluviatilis"

* "P. meridionalis"

* "P. mexicana"

* "P. furfuracea"

* "P. linearis"

* "P. sp. NZ"

* "P. crispa"

* "P. sp. MK1"

* "P. japonica"

* "P. stipitata"

* "P. calophylla"

* "P. sp. GALW014367"

* "P. sp. GALW015488"

* "P. borealis"

* "P. cf. furfuracea GALW015416"

* "P. delicata"
synonyms =
* "Prasiola C.Agardh"

In taxonomy, "Prasiola" is a genus of algae, specifically of the Prasiolaceae. [See the NCBI [ webpage on Prasiola] . Data extracted from the cite web | url= | title=NCBI taxonomy resources | publisher=National Center for Biotechnology Information | accessdate=2007-03-19]

Prasiola is a genus of fresh water and marine green algae. Each individual plant is small but they usually grow side by side to form a green turf on the rock surface.

*"Prasiola crispa"
*"Prasiola linearis"
*"Prasiola sinica"
*"Prasiola tibetica"
*"Prasiola yunnanica"


External links

cientific references

cientific databases

* [ AlgaeBase]

* [ AlgaTerra database]

* [ Index Nominum Genericorum]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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