Schelte J. Bus

Schelte J. Bus

Schelte John "Bobby" Bus (born 1956) [cite web | title=Compositional structure in the asteroid belt : results of a spectroscopic survey | work=DSpace | url= | accessdate=2006-10-18] is an Associate Astronomer at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy and Support Astronomer at NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility IRTF. He received his B.S. from Caltech in 1979), and was awarded his Ph.D from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1999.

Bus has been an active astronomer for many years. He discovered periodic comet 87P/Bus in 1981. In addition, Bus has discovered or co-discovered over a thousand asteroids, including an Apollo asteroid, 2135 Aristaeus, which will come within 5 Gm (3 million mi, 13 Earth-Moon distances) of the Earth on 30 March, 2147), an Amor asteroid, and more than 40 Trojan asteroids. The first of these was 3240 Laocoon, which he co-discovered with Eleanor F. Helin).

Bus was also the discoverer of asteroids 5020 Asimov and 4923 Clarke, named after two of the three most distinguished Science Fiction writers of all time.

Asteroid 3254 Bus, which was discovered in 1982 by Edward L. G. Bowell, was named in his honor.

With MIT's Richard P. Binzel, he further added to the knowledge about main-belt asteroids in a lightwave survey published in 2003. This project was known as Small Main-belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey, Phase II or SMASSII, which built on a previous survey of the main-belt asteroids. The visible-wavelength (0.435-0.925 micrometre) spectra data was gathered between August 1993 and March 1999. [Bus, S., Binzel, R. P. "Small Main-belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey, Phase II". EAR-A-I0028-4-SBN0001/SMASSII-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2003.]

During his studies, he worked under the supervision of Eugene Shoemaker. [cite news |first=Rex |last=Graham |title=Making an exceptional impact |format=Periodical | publisher=Astronomy |pages= |page=36 | date=May 1, 1998 | accessdate=2006-10-18 | language=English ]


External links

* [ Bus' Personal Home Page]

NAME= Bus, Schelte John "Bobby"

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  • Schelte John Bus — Schelte J. Bus Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bus. Schelte John « Bobby » Bus (né en 1956) est un astronome associé à l université d Hawaï (Institute for Astronomy) et travaille à la NASA sur l Infrared Telescope Facility IRTF. Bien… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Schelte J. Bus — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Schelte John Bobby Bus (nacido en 1956)[1] es un astrónomo estadounidense, Asociado al Instituto de Astronomía de la Universidad de Hawaii y Astrónomo Asistente de la NASA en los laboratorios del IRTF, (Infrared… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Schelte J. Bus — Schelte John („Bobby“) Bus (* 1956[1]) ist ein US amerikanischer Astronom, der hauptsächlich Asteroiden und Kometen erforscht. Er arbeitet für die University of Hawaii als Forscher sowie als Assistent (support astronomer) am Infrarot Teleskop der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Schelte John Bus — Schelte John („Bobby“) Bus (* 1956[1]) ist ein US amerikanischer Astronom, der hauptsächlich Asteroiden und Kometen erforscht. Er arbeitet für die University of Hawaii als Forscher sowie als Assistent (support astronomer) am Infrarot Teleskop der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Schelte John Bus — Schelte John Bobby Bus (nacido en 1956)[1] es un astrónomo estadounidense, Asociado al Instituto de Astronomía de la Universidad de Hawái y Astrónomo Asistente de la NASA en los laboratorios del IRTF, (Infrared Telescope Facility). A pesar de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Schelte J. Bus — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bus. Schelte John « Bobby » Bus (né en 1956) est un astronome associé à l université d Hawaï (Institute for Astronomy) et travaille à la NASA sur l Infrared Telescope Facility IRTF. Bien qu il n ait… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Schelte Bus — Schelte J. Bus Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bus. Schelte John « Bobby » Bus (né en 1956) est un astronome associé à l université d Hawaï (Institute for Astronomy) et travaille à la NASA sur l Infrared Telescope Facility IRTF. Bien… …   Wikipédia en Français

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