Roland JX-10

Roland JX-10


image_caption =
synth_name = JX-10
synth_manufacturer = Roland
synthesis_type = Analog Subtractive
polyphony = 12 voices
timbrality = 2
oscillator = 2 DCOs per voice
filter = 1 resonant lowpass, 1 highpass
attenuator = 2 ADSR
lfo = 1 sine/square/sh
ext_control = MIDI
memory = 50 preset tones/50 user tones/64 patches
fx = chorus, delay
dates = 1986-1989
price = Approx. US$2500
keys = 76
velocity = Yes
aftertouch = Yes
split = Yes

The Roland JX-10 (also known as the Roland Super JX) was a 12-voice analog synthesizer produced from 1986 to 1989, and was the last true analog synthesizer made by Roland. It is essentially two Roland JX-8Ps put together, along with a 76-note velocity-sensitive keyboard with aftertouch. It also includes features not found on the JX-8P, including a simple 1-track sequencer and a delay effect (which works by delaying one tone rather than acting as a true delay effect).


Like most synthesizers of the time, the JX-10 is programmed by selecting a parameter through a small keypad and editing the parameter using a data wheel (which Roland dubbed the "alpha-dial"). Like the JX-8P, this can be bypassed by connecting a PG-800 programmer to the synthesizer.


The JX-10 has space for 64 patches in its internal memory, each of which are composed of two tones. These tones can be selected individually, combined together, or split. However, while 100 tones are available, only 50 of them can be edited and saved to memory. The JX-10's memory can also be expanded by plugging in an M-16C, M-32C or M-64C memory cartridge, like the JX-8P.


The JX-10 also has a 2U rack-mounted counterpart called the MKS-70. It is basically the same as the JX-10, except that the MKS-70's tones can be edited through MIDI; this is not possible on the JX-10 due to its incomplete SysEx implementation, but this can be solved by updating the JX-10's operating system.

External links

* [ A page dedicated to the JX-10 and MKS-70]
* [ Vintage Synth Explorer's JX-10 page]
* [ Vintage Synth Explorer's MKS-70 page]

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