Alliance (Bible)

Alliance (Bible)

Abraham formed an alliance with some of the Canaanitishprinces (Gen. 14:13), also with Abimelech (21:22-32). Joshua andthe elders of Israel entered into an alliance with theGibeonites (Josh. 9:3-27). When the Israelites entered Canaanthey were forbidden to enter into alliances with the inhabitantsof the country (Lev. 18:3, 4; 20:22, 23).

Solomon formed a league with Hiram (1 Kings 5:12). This"brotherly covenant" is referred to 250 years afterwards (Amos1:9). He also appears to have entered into an alliance with
Pharaoh (1 Kings 10:28, 29).

In the subsequent history of the kingdoms of Judah and Israelvarious alliances were formed between them and also withneighbouring nations at different times.

From patriarchal times a covenant of alliance was sealed bythe blood of some sacrificial victim. The animal sacrificed wascut in two (except birds), and between these two parts thepersons contracting the alliance passed (Gen. 15:10). There arefrequent allusions to this practice (Jer. 34:18). Such allianceswere called "covenants of salt" (Num. 18:19; 2 Chr. 13:5), saltbeing the symbol of perpetuity. A pillar was set up as amemorial of the alliance between Laban and Jacob (Gen. 31:52).The Jews throughout their whole history attached greatimportance to fidelity to their engagements. Divine wrath fellupon the violators of them (Josh. 9:18; 2 Sam. 21:1, 2; Ezek.17:16).

ee also

* Covenant

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