Sector-Wide Approach

Sector-Wide Approach

Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) is an approach to international development that "brings together governments, donors and other stakeholders within any sector. It is characterized by a set of operating principles rather than a specific package of policies or activities. The approach involves movement over time under government leadership towards: broadening policy dialogue; developing a single sector policy (that addresses private and public sector issues) and a common realistic expenditure program; common monitoring arrangements; and more coordinated procedures for funding and procurement." ("World Health Organization, World Health Report 2000").

Another definition for SWAp is provided by Foster (2000:9) as: 'All significant funding for the sector supports a single sector policy and expenditure programme, under government leadership, adopting common approaches across the sector, and progressing towards Government procedures to disburse and account for all funds.'


* Foster M. (2000) New Approaches to Development Cooperation: What can we Learn from Experience with implementing Sector Wide Approaches? Working paper 140, Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure, Overseas Development Institute, London, UK

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