- List of off-roading organizations
The following is a list of organizations involved with
off-roading :Multi-national
* [http://www.ufwda.org/ United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA)]
* [http://www.i4wdta.org/ International 4-Wheel Drive Trainers' Associations (I4WDTA)]National
* [http://www.anfwdc.asn.au/ Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council (ANFWDC)]
New Zealand
* [http://www.nzfwda.org.nz/ New Zealand Four Wheel Drive Association (NZFWDA)]
* [http://www.dirt.org.nz/ Canterbury Off-road Racing Club (CORC)]
* [http://www.oranz.co.nz/ Off-road Association of New Zealand (ORANZ)]outh Africa
* [http://www.aawdc.org.za/ Association of All Wheel Drive Clubs of Southern Africa (AAWDCSA)]
United States
* [http://www.sharetrails.org/ Blue Ribbon Coalition]
* [http://www.treadlightly.org/ Tread Lightly]Vietnam
* [http://www.offroadvietnam.com/ Off Road Vietnam]
U.S. Regional
* [http://www.americansandassociation.org/ American Sand Association (ASA)]
* [http://www.ec4wda.org/ East Coast 4 Wheel Drive Association (EC4WDA)]
* [http://www.glfwda.org/ Great Lakes Four Wheel Drive Association (GLFWDA)]
* [http://www.mafwda.org/ Middle Atlantic Four Wheel Drive Association (MAFWDA)]
* [http://www.mw4wda.org/ Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Association (MW4WDA)]
* [http://www.nea4wd.org/ Northeast Association of 4WD Clubs (NEA4WDC)]
* [http://www.pnw4wda.org/ Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association (PNW)]
* [http://www.sfwda.org/ Southern Four Wheel Drive Association (SFWDA)]
* [http://www.swfwda.org/ Southwest Four Wheel Drive Association (SWFWDA)]U.S. State
* [http://www.asa4wdc.org/ Arizona State Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs]
* [http://www.azwildcatoffroad.net/ Arizona Wildcat Off-Road Club (AZWCOR)]
* [http://www.cal4wheel.com/ California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs]
* [http://www.hightrails.org/ Colorado Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs (CoA4WDCi)]
* [http://www.cohvco.org/ Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO)]
* [http://www.fl4wda.com/ Florida Four Wheel Drive Association (FL4WDA)]
* [http://www.idahostate4x4association.com/phpBB2/portal.php Idaho State 4x4 Association]
* [http://www.ilfwda.org/ Illinois 4 Wheel Drive Association (ILFWDA)]
* [http://www.ifwda.org/ Indiana 4 Wheel Drive Association (IFWDA)]
* [http://www.michiganatv.com/ Michigan ATV Association (MATVA)]
* [http://www.mn4wda.com/ Minnesota 4 Wheel Drive Association (MN4WDA)]
* [http://www.m4x4a.org/ Montana 4x4 Association (M4X4A)]
* [http://www.nufwa.org/ Nevada United Four Wheelers Association (NUFWA)]
* [http://www.nmohva.org/ New Mexico Off Highway Vehicle Alliance (NMOHVA)]
* [http://www.okfwda.org/ Oklahoma Four Wheel Drive Association (OKFWDA)]
* [http://www.oohva.org/ Oregon Off-Highway Vehicle Association (OOHVA)]
* [http://www.pnwriders.com/ Pacific Northwest Riders (PNWR)]
* [http://www.slightlyoffroaders.com/ Pennsylvania & Tri-State Area - Slightly-Off Roaders - Free Club]
* [http://www.texasmotorizedtrails.com/ Texas Motorized Trails Coalition (TMTC)]
* [http://www.u4wda.org/ Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association (U4WDA)]
* [http://www.va4wda.org/ Virginia Four Wheel Drive Association (VAFWDA)]
* [http://www.wohva.com/ Wisconsin Off-Highway Vehicle Association (WOHVA)]City or Park Specific
* [http://www.hhora.org/main.html Hollister Hills Off Road Association]
Vehicle Specific
* [http://www.atvaonline.com/ All-Terrain Vehicle Association (ATVA)]
* [http://www.clri.net/ Club Land Rover Ireland (CLRI)]
* [http://www.lostkjs.com/ Liberty Owners Special Team (L.O.S.T.)]
* [http://www.naxja.org/ North American XJ Association (NAXJA)]
* [http://www.tlca.org/ Toyota Land Cruiser Association (TLCA)]
* [http://www.toyotatrailriders.com/ Toyota Trail Riders (TTR)]
* [http://www.alrc.co.uk/ The Association of Land Rover Clubs (ALRC)]
* [http://www.sccxterra.com/ Southern California Club Xterra (SCCX)]
* [http://www.zuwharrie.com/ Zuwharrie (ZU)]
* [http://www.xterraownersclub.com/ Xterra Owners Club(XOC)]
* [http://www.atvam.org/ All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota (ATVAM)]Competitive
Cross country
* [http://www.bitd.com Best In The Desert Racing Association ]
* CORR|Championship Off-Road Racing
*Dakar Rally
* [http://www.district37ama.org District 37 - Offroad]
* SCORE International Off-Road Racing
* SODA (defunct)
* [http://www.snoreracing.net Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts (SNORE)]
* [http://www.worcsracing.com World Off Road Championship Series (WORCS)]
* [http://www.valleyoffroadracing.com/ Valley Off Road Racing Association (VORRA)]
* [http://www.mdrracing.com Mojave Desert Racing (MDR) / MDR Superstition Series (Formerly FUD Series) (Both run by MDR Productions)]
* [http://www.moreracing.net Mojave Off-Road Racing Enthusiasts (M.O.R.E.)]
* [http://www.offroadindochina.net Off-road Indochina]
*Macmillan 4x4 UK Challenge (Mac 4x4)Mud racing
* [http://www.a4wdmra.com.au/Home.php Australian 4WD Mud Racing Association]
* [http://www.nmro.net National Mud Racing Organization (NMRO)]Rock crawling
* American Rock Crawling Association (ARCA) (Defunct became RCAA and then UROC)
* Eastern Rock Crawling Championships (EROCC) (Defunct became UROC Extreme East then UROC Pro Atlantic)
* North Eastern Rock Crawling Championships (NEUROC) (Defunct became part of UROC Pro Atlantic)
* [http://www.rrock.us/ Rockport Rockcrawl Championship (RROCK)]
* [http://www.uroc.com/ United Rock Crawling & Off-road Challenge (UROC)]
* [http://we-rock.cc/ World Extreme Rock Crawling Championship Series (W.E. Rock)]
* [http://www.werockaustralia.com/ World Extreme Rock Crawling Championship Series Australia]
* [http://www.xrra.com/ Xtreme Rock Racing (XRRA)]and Dragging
* [http://www.sanddrags.com/ American Sand Drag Assoicaiton (ASDA)]
Observed Trials
* [http://www.nmtrials.org/ New Mexico Trials Association (NMTA)]
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