

The Mbayá are a tribe formerly ranging on both sides of the Paraguay River, on the north and northwestern Paraguay frontier, and in the adjacent portion of the province of Matto Grosso, Brazil. They have also been called Caduveo and Guaycuru, a name used generally of all the mounted Indians of Gran Chaco.

The Mbayá placed their heaven in the moon; and it was to the moon that their great heroes and sages went for a time after physical death, until they again returned to earth.

Among the Guaycurus of Paraguay, when a death had taken place, the chief used to change the name of every member of the tribe; and from that moment everybody remembered his new name just as if he had born it all his life. [Harvnb|Frazer|1990|p=357.]

They had a reputation as raiders of their Guaraní neighbours. [CathEncy|wstitle=Mbaya Indians]


*1911Frazer, J. G. (1990), "Taboo and the Perils of the Soul", The Golden Bough (3rd ed., Part II ed.), New York: St. Martin's Press [1st ed., 1913.]

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