

A variator is a device that can change its parameters, or can change parameters of other devices. Often a variator is a mechanical power transmission device that can change its gear ratio continuously (rather than in steps).

"See also:" continuously variable transmission

Alfa Romeo/FIAT Variator

Variator is the name for the Alfa Romeo and FIAT variable valve timing device. It is a cylindrical chamber which contains a pressure chamber and piston along with helical gears. It is situated on the inlet camshaft of the TwinSpark generation enngines. Engine oil pressure, moves the internal piston which rotates slightly due to the helical gears and advances the inlet valve timing by 25 degrees. Oil flow to the variator is controlled by a solenoid. When engine speed reaches a certain speed, normally 1500-200rpm in the Alfa Twinspark application, the solenoid energises, causing pressurised oil to be directed through the inlet camshaft into the variator. The inlet camshaft position is advanced 25 degrees, thus increasing valve overlap. It remains in this advanced state until about 5000rpm when the solenoid switches off, and the variator piston returns the valve timing to it's natural state. It increases the engine's mid-range flexibility and reduces emissions. Exact changeover points are dependant on version. The Fiat Stilo with the 1.8l or 2.4l engines and Alfa Romeo 1.6l, 1.8l and 2.0l use a variator with the only exception being the Alfa 147 Junior. This has a 105BHP engine, not the 120BHP version.

If the petrol engine sounds like a diesel briefly after starting, it means that the variator is worn and should be replaced. When significantly worn, the noise remains until about 1500rpm. Variators are best replaced at the same time as the timing belt. They will only cause noise, and not fail completely.

The variable valve timing was first commercially used in the Alfa Romeo Alfetta Gold Cloverleaf in 1985. The next engine to employ a variator was the 75 Twinspark of 1988. These engines had 8 valve heads on the classic all alloy block and not the 1990s Fiat/Alfa cast iron block engine which is the subject here.

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