El Solitario

El Solitario

Infobox Wrestler
name=Roberto González Cruz
names=El Hijo del Santo
Othon Banzica II
El Zica II
El Zica
El Solitario

birth_date=May 22, 1946
birth_place=Yahualica, Jalisco
death_date=death date and age|1986|4|6|1946|5|22|
trainer=Joe El Hermano

Roberto González Cruz was a Mexican professional wrestler who wrestled under the name El Solitario, derived from the popular comic book character "El Llanero Solitario" ("The Lone Ranger") [Molinaro, John F.: "Top 100 Pro Wrestlers of All Time", page 158, Winding Stair Press, 2002.] . He entered the sport at the age of 14, and quickly became one of the best and most popular wrestlers in the country, especially after he defeated both Ray Mendoza and René Guajardo in hair vs. mask matches in 1968. His signature gold and black mask took its inspiration from the American TV show the Lone Ranger. During his career he held both the NWA World Light Heavyweight Championship and the NWA World Middleweight Championship.

After achieving stardom in Mexico's oldest promotion, Empresa Mundial de Lucha Libre, Cruz joined the breakaway promotion, the Universal Wrestling Association, where he held four more world championships in the early 1980s.

Cruz died of a heart attack at the age of 39, on April 6, 1986.

Championships and accomplishments

*Empresa Mundial de Lucha Libre:*NWA World Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time):*NWA World Middleweight Championship (1 time)

*Universal Wrestling Association:*UWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time) (First):*UWA World Junior Light Heavyweight Championship (2 times):*UWA World Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

*Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards:*Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame (Class of 1996)


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