Svealand — (Audio|Sv Svealand.ogg| listen ) or (rarely or historically) Sweden Proper [ bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0062%3Aid%3Dgothi] is the historical core region of Sweden. It is located in south central Sweden … Wikipedia
Götaland — (Audio|Gotaland.ogg| listen ), Gothia , Gothland [ Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge (1907)] [ [ A translation of the Völsunga saga] ] , Gothenland , Gotland [American Heritage Dictionary] ,… … Wikipedia
Tiveden — Infobox protected area | name = Tiveden National Park iucn category = II caption = locator x = locator y = location = Sweden nearest city = lat degrees = lat minutes = lat seconds = lat direction = long degrees = long minutes = long seconds =… … Wikipedia
Kolmården — is a large forest that separates the Swedish provinces of Södermanland and Östergötland, two of the country s main agricultural areas, from each other. In early medieval times it was seen as a major obstacle in land travel between the regions,… … Wikipedia
Forests of Sweden — Sweden is country of many great woods. A list of Swedish forests:*Kolmården *Tiveden *Tylöskog *Norrland *Kilsbergen *Ed Forest … Wikipedia
Ysätters-Kajsa — was a wind troll , that people used to believe in, in the Swedish province of Närke. She was probably the only one of her kind in Scandinavia.The Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf immortalised Ysätters Kajsa in her famous novel The Wonderful… … Wikipedia
Nationalpark Tiveden — Nationalpark Tiveden … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tiveden — Nationalpark Tiveden … Deutsch Wikipedia
Svealand — Svealand. Provinicias historicas en Svealand Svealand ( … Wikipedia Español