Terry Gierke

Terry Gierke

Terry Gierke was an American football official in the National Football League (NFL) for 21 seasons as a head linesman from 1981 to 2001. During his NFL career, Gierke officiated in the playoffs for 19 seasons which included Super Bowl XXI in 1987 and 3 conference championship games. He wore the uniform number 72.

Terry started officiating career in 1962 in Portland, Oregon and later moved to college football in 1966, working both Division II and III games. In 1971, Gierke joined the Pac-8 (later the Pac-10) where he stayed until 1980 before accepted to the NFL in 1981.

Since retiring from active officiating, Gierke continues to work for the NFL as a Game Observer and College Scout. He also founded the "Alliance To Promote Football Officiating" in 2000 where he continues to assist and train high school and college officials to advance to the next level.

Gierke was the head linesman in the 1993 AFC Wild Card playoff game between the Houston Oilers and Buffalo Bills which would later become known in NFL lore as "The Comeback". He was also the head linesman on Jerry Markbreit's officiating crew from the 1995 to 1998 NFL seasons. Markbreit, a four time Super Bowl referee who retired after the 1998 season, and his crews were highly praised for their work on the field by announcers and football fans.

External links

* [http://www.footballofficialscamp.com/staffbios/gierke_terry.htm Terry Gierke - NFL] Football Officials Camps, LLC (Accessed August 17, 2006).

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