Alfred Meyer

Alfred Meyer

Dr. Alfred Meyer (October 5, 1891 – April 11, 1945) was a Nazi official, achieving the rank of "Staatssekretär" and Deputy Reichsminister in the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories ("Reichministerium für die Besetzten Ostgebiete" or "Ostministerium").

Meyer was born in Göttingen, the son of a government official. He was educated at the Gymnasium in Soest, graduating in 1911. In 1912 he became a "Fahnenjunker" (cadet officer) with Infanterieregiment 68 (Koblenz), passing his officer exam in 1913. During World War I he fought with Infanterieregiment 363 on the Western Front, winning the Iron Cross twice. In 1917 he was injured and captured by the French. Released in March 1920, he left the army with the rank of Oberleutnant.

After the war, Meyer worked for Deutsche Erdöl AG before studying political science at the Universities of Bonn and then Würzburg. He graduated with a Ph.D. in 1922 and joined the legal department of a Gelsenkirchen mining firm. He married Dorothee Capell in 1925.

In April 1928 he joined the Nazi Party and became a local group leader in October 1929. In September 1930 he became a member of the "Reichstag" and in January 1931 NSDAP Gauleiter in north Westphalia. Following the Nazi seizure of power Meyer was appointed "Reichsstatthalter" (deputy governor) of Lippe und Schaumburg-Lippe in May 1933 and he was made "Staatsminister" (governor) of the federal government for Lippe und Schaumburg-Lippe in August 1936.

In 1939 Meyer was made "Chef der Zivilverwaltung" and in 1941 he became deputy to Alfred Rosenberg in the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. Meyer was responsible for the departments of politics, administration and economics. In this role he directed the exploitation of the occupied Soviet areas, the suppression and murder of its inhabitants, particularly Jews, and the organisation of slave labour.

Meyer attended the Wannsee conference in January 1942 as a representative for Rosenberg. In November of that year he was also made "Reichsverteidigungskommissar" (Reich Defense Commissioner) of Defense District VI (northern Westphalia).

Meyer was found dead on April 11, 1945, by the River Weser. The cause of death was suicide.

In the 2001 HBO film "Conspiracy", Meyer was played by Brian Pettifer.

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