List of people on stamps

List of people on stamps

Since 1840, when the Penny Black featured a profile of Queen Victoria, it has been a tradition worldwide for nations to honor individuals on their postage stamps. Typical choices include monarchs, important figures of history, politicians, cultural leaders, and (more recently) celebrities.

The usual practice is for the stamp to feature a portrait of the person, either full-length or head alone. In a few cases, the person being honored is represented by an image relating to the person's life. However, the depiction of a work of art (such as for a Christmas stamp) is not considered to be honoring the artist.

The list that follows is an index to the lists of people for individual countries. In some cases, several short lists from related countries are merged into a single list, while entries without links indicate entities that never had any people on their stamps. The parenthesized dates following each entry indicates the first and last dates of stamp issuance; within each country's list, the date or dates indicates the year of the person's appearance on a stamp.



*Abkhazia (1993-)
*Abu Dhabi (1964-1972)
*Aden (1937-1965)
**Kathiri State of Seiyun (1942-1964)
**Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut (1942-1963)
*French Territory of the Afars and Issas (1966-1977)
*Afghanistan (1871-)
*La Agüera (1920-1922)
*Aitutaki (1903-1996)
*Ajman (1964-1968)
*Alaouites (1925-1930)
*Albania (1913-)
*Alexandretta (1938-1938)
*Algeria (1924-)
*Allenstein (1920)
*Andorra (1928-)

*Angra (1892-1905)
*Angola (1870-)
*Anguilla (1967-)
*Anjouan (1892-1912)
*Annam and Tonkin (1888)
*Antigua and Barbuda (1862-)
*Argentina (1858-)
*Armenia (1919-1922, 1992-)
*Aruba (1986-)
*Ascension (1922-)
*Australia (1913-)
**Australian Antarctic Territory (1957-)
*Austria (1850-)
**Lombardy-Venetia (1850-1865)
**Italian occupation (1918-1919)
**List of people on stamps of Austrian post offices in Crete (1903-1913)
**Austrian post offices in the Turkish Empire (1867-1913)
*Azerbaijan (1919-1924, 1992-)
*Azores (1868-1931)


*Bahamas (1859-)
*Bahawalpur (1945-1949)
*Bahrain (1933-)
*Bangkok (1882-1885)
*Bangladesh (1971-)
*Barbados (1852-)
*Barbuda (1922-)
*Basutoland (1933-1966)
*Batum (1919-1920)
*Bechuanaland (1886-1897)
*Bechuanaland Protectorate (1888-1966)
*Belarus (1992-)
*Belgian Congo (1886-1960)
*Belgium (1849-)
*Belize (1973-)
*Benin (1892-)
*Bermuda (1860-)
*Bhutan (1962-)
*Bolivia (1867-)
*Bosnia and Herzegovina (1879-1918, 1993-)
*Botswana (1966-)
*Brazil (1844-)
*British Antarctic Territory (1963-)
*British Central Africa (1891-1907)
*British East Africa (1890-1898)
*British Guiana (1850-1966)
*British Honduras (1866-1973)
*British Indian Ocean Territory (1968-)
*Brunei (1906-)
*Bulgaria (1879-)
*Burkina Faso (1920-)
*Burma (1937-1989)
*Burundi (1962-)
*Bushire (1915)


*Cambodia (1951-)
*Cameroon (1897-)
*Cameroons (1960-1960)
*Canada (1851-)
*Canadian provinces (1850-1947)
**British Columbia and Vancouver Island (1860)
**New Brunswick (1851-1860)
**Newfoundland (1850-1947)
**Nova Scotia (1851-1860)
**Prince Edward Island (1861-1872)
*Cape Juby (1916-1948)
*Cape of Good Hope (1853-1904)
**Mafeking Siege (1900)
*Cape Verde (1877-)
*Castellorizo (1920-1932)
*Cayman Islands (1900-)
*Central African Republic (1959-)
*Central Lithuania (1919-1922)
*Ceylon (1857-1972)
*Chad (1922-)
*Chechnya (1992)
*Chile (1853-)
*China before division (1878-1949)
*People's Republic of China (1949-)
*Republic of China (1950-)
*Christmas Island (1958-)
*Cilicia (1919-1920)
*Cochin China (1886-1888)
*Cocos Islands (1963-)
*Colombia (1859-)
**Antioquia (1868-1902)
**Bolívar (1863-1885)
**Boyacá (1902-1904)
*Comoros (1950-)
*Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960-)
*Republic of the Congo (1959-)
*Cook Islands (1892-)
*Corfu (1923-1941)
*Costa Rica (1863-)
*Cote d'Ivoire (1892-)
*Crete (1898-1910)
*Croatia (1941-1945, 1991-)
*Cuba (1855-)
*Cyprus (1880-)
*Cyrenaica (1923-1950)
*Czechoslovakia (1918-1992)
**Bohemia and Moravia (1939-1944)
*Czech Republic (1993-)


*Dalmatia (1919-1922)
*Danish West Indies (1855-1915)
*Danzig (1920-1939)
*Denmark (1851-)
*Diego-Suarez (1890-1894)
*Djibouti (1977-)
*Dominica (1874-)
*Dominican Republic (1865-)
*Dubai (1963-1972)


*East Africa and Uganda Protectorates (1903-1921)
*Eastern Rumelia (1880-1885)
*Eastern Silesia (1920-1920)
*East Timor (2000-)
*Ecuador (1865-)
*Egypt (1866-)
*Elobey, Annobon, and Corisco (1903-1910)
*Epirus (1914-1914)
*Equatorial Guinea (1968-)
*Eritrea (1892-1934, 1991-)
*Estonia (1918-1941, 1991-)
*Ethiopia (1895-)


*Falkland Islands (1870-)
**Falkland Islands Dependencies (1946-1980)
**Graham Land (1944)
**South Georgia dependency (1944)
**South Orkneys (1944)
**South Shetlands (1944)
*Far Eastern Republic (1920-1923)
*Faroe Islands (1919-)
*Fernando Po (1868-1968)
*Fiji (1870-)
*Finland (1856-)
**Aland Islands (1980-)
*Fiume (1918-1924)
*France (1849-)
**Reunion (1852-1949)
**French post offices in China (1894-1922)
**French post offices in Crete (1902-1903)
**French post offices in Egypt (1899-1930)
**French post offices in the Turkish Empire (1884-1923)
**French post offices in Zanzibar (1893-1904)
*French Colonies (1859-1906, 1943-1945)
*:In 1871 Ceres and Napoleon III became the only identifiable people to appear on these stamps which were used in a wide variety of places.
*French Congo (1891-1903)
*French Equatorial Africa (1936-1958)
*French Guiana (1886-1947)
*French Guinea (1892-1941)
*French India (1892-1948)
*French Morocco (1891-1955)
*French Oceania (1892-1956)
*French Polynesia (1958-1994)
*French Southern and Antarctic Territories (1955-)
*French Sudan (1894-1941)
*French West Africa (1943-1959)
*Fujeira (1964-1967)
*Funchal (1892-1905)


*Gabon (1886-)
*The Gambia (1869-)
*Georgia (1919-1923, 1993-)
*Germany (1872-)
**Bavaria (1849-1920)
**Prussia (1849-1867)
**Saxony (1850-1863)
**Württemberg (1851-1923)
**Berlin (1948-1980)
**Berlin-Brandenburg (1945)
**Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (1945-1946)
**Saxony Province (1945-1946)
**Saxony East (1945-1946)
**Saxony West (1945-1946)
**Thuringia (1945-1946)
*German Democratic Republic (1949-1990)
*Ghana (1957-)
*Gibraltar (1886-)
*Gilbert Islands (1976-1979)
*Gilbert and Ellice Islands (1911-1971)
*Gold Coast (1875-1954)
*Grand Comoro (1897-1912)
*Greece (1861-)
*Greenland (1905-)
*Grenada (1861-)
*Guadeloupe (1884-1947)
*Guanacaste (1885-1890)
*Guatemala (1871-)
*Guinea (1959-)
*Guinea-Bissau (1974-)
*Guyana (1966-)


*Haiti (1881-)
*Hatay (1939-1939)
*Heligoland (1867-1879)
*Honduras (1877-)
*Hong Kong (1862-1999)
*Horta (1892-1905)
*Hungary (1871-)


*Iceland (1873-)
*Ifni (1941-1968)
*India (1854-)
**Barwani (1921-1938)
**Bhor (1879-1901)
**Bijawar (1935-1937)
**Bundi (1894-1941)
**Chamba (1886-1948)
**Cochin (1892-1933)
**Dhar (1897-1898)
**Dungarpur (1893-1916)
**Faridkot (1879-1900)
**Gwalior (1885-1949)
**Idar (1939-1944)
**Indore (1886-1941)
**Jaipur (1900-1947)
**Jind (1874-1943)
**Kishangarh (1899-1928)
**Morvi (1931-1935)
**Nabha (1885-1942)
**Orchha (1913-1939)
**Patiala (1884-1947)
**Sirmoor (1879-1899)
**Soruth (1864-1937)
**Travancore (1888-1946)
**Travancore-Cochin (1949-1950)
*Indo-China (1889-1946)
*Indonesia (1950-)
*Indonesia Riau (1954-1964)
*Inhambane (1895-1917)
*Inini (1932-1944)
*Ionian Islands (1859)
*Iran (1870-)
*Iraq (1923-)
*Ireland (1922-)
*Israel (1948-)
*Italian Colonies (1932-1934)
*Italian East Africa (1938-1941)
*Italy (1862-)
**Modena (1852-1859)
**Parma (1852-1859)
**Romagna (1859)
**Roman states (1852-1868)
**Sardinia (1851-1863)
**Tuscany (1851-1860)
**Two Sicilies (1858-1861)
**Campione (1944)
**Italian Social Republic (1943-1944)
**Italian post offices in Africa (1901-1915)
**Italian post offices in China (1917-1918)
**Italian post offices in Crete (1900-1912)
**Italian post offices in Tientsin (1917-1921)
**Italian post offices in the Turkish Empire (1908-1922)
**Trieste Italy (1947-1953)
**Venezia Giulia (1945-1945)


*Jamaica (1860-)
*Japan (1871-)
*Jordan (1920-)


*Karelia (1922-1922)
*Katanga (1960-1962)
*Kazakhstan (1992-)
*Kenya (1963-)
*Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania (1921-1976)
*Kiauchau (1900-1916)
*Kionga (1916)
*Kiribati (1979-)
*Korean stamps issued 1884-1903 did not feature any people on them. From 1905 to early 1946 stamps from Japan were used in Korea while it was under annexation to Japan.
**North Korea (1946-)
**South Korea (1946-)
*Kuwait (1923-)
*Kyrgyzstan (1992-)


*Labuan (1879-1905)
*Lagos (1874-1905)
*Laos (1951-)
*Latakia (1930-1933)
*Latvia (1918-1940, 1991-)
*Lebanon (1924-)
*Leeward Islands (1890-1954)
*Lesotho (1966-)
*Liberia (1860-)
*Libya (1912-)
*Liechtenstein (1912-)
*Lithuania (1918-1940, 1990-)
*Lourenco Marques (1895-1921)
*Luxembourg (1852-)


*Macao (1884-)
*Republic of Macedonia (1992-)
*Madagascar (1884-)
*Madeira (1868-1928)
*Malawi (1964-)
**Malaya, Federated States (1900-1951)
**Malaya, Federation (1957-1964)
**Johore (1876-1960)
**Kedah (1912-1959)
**Kelantan (1911-1962)
**Malacca (1948-1960)
**Negri Sembilan (1891-1961)
**Pahang (1889-1957)
**Penang (1948-1960)
**Perak (1878-1957)
**Perlis (1948-1957)
**Selangor (1881-1961)
**Sungei Ujong (1881-1895)
**Trengganu (1909-1957)
*Malaysia (1963-)
**Malaysia Johore (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Kedah (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Kelantan (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Malacca (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Negri Sembilan (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Pahang (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Penang (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Perak (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Perlis (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Sabah (1964-1965)
**Malaysia Sarawak (1964-1965)
**Malaysia Selangor (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Trengganu (1965-1986)
**Malaysia Wilayah Persekutuan (1986)
*Maldives (1906-)
*Mali (1959-)
*Malta (1860-)
*Manchukuo (1932-1945)
*Marianas Islands (1899-1919)
*Marienwerder (1920-1920)
*Marshall Islands (1897-1916, 1984-)
*Martinique (1886-1947)
*Mauritania (1906-)
*Mauritius (1847-)
*Mayotte (1892-1912, 1997-)
*Memel (1920-1922)
*Mesopotamia (1917-1922)
*Mexico (1856-)
**Campeche (1876)
**Chiapas (1866)
**Chihuahua (1872)
**Cuautla (1867)
**Cuernavaca (1867)
**Guadalajara (1867-1868)
**Merida (1916)
**Sinaloa (1929)
**Tlacotalpan (1856)
**Yucatan (1924)
*Federated States of Micronesia (1984-)
*Middle Congo (1907-1933)
*Moheli (1906-1912)
*Moldova (1991-)
*Monaco (1885-)
*Mongolia (1924-)
*Montenegro (1874-1913)
*Montserrat (1876-)
*Morocco (1956-)
*Mozambique (1877-)
*Mozambique Company (1892-1941)
*Myanmar (1990-)


*Namibia (1990-)
*Natal (1857-1908)
*Nauru (1916-)
*Nepal (1881-)

*Netherlands (1852-)
*Netherlands Antilles (1873-)
*Netherlands Indies (1864-1949)
*Netherlands New Guinea (1950-1962)
*Nevis (1861-)
*New Britain (1914-1915)
*New Caledonia (1859-)
*New Guinea (1925-1939)
*New Hebrides (1908-1980)
*New South Wales (1850-1907)
*New Zealand (1855-)
*Nicaragua (1862-)
**Cabo Gracias a Dios, Nicaragua (1904-1909) [(Cabo Gracias a Dios)]
**Zelaya, Nicaragua (1904-1912)
*Niger (1921-)
*Niger Coast Protectorate (1892-1898)
*Nigeria (1914-)
*Niue (1902-)
*Norfolk Island (1947-)
*North Borneo (1883-1963)
*Northern Nigeria (1900-1912)
*Northern Rhodesia (1925-1964)
*North Ingermanland (1920)
*North West Pacific Islands (1915-1922)
*Norway (1855-)
*Nossi-Be (1889-1894)
*Nyasaland Protectorate (1908-1964)
*Nyassa (1898-1925)


*Obock (1892-1894)
*Oltre Giuba (1925-1926)
*Oman (1944-)
*Orange River Colony (1898-1907)


*Pakistan (1947-)
*Palau (1983-)
*Palestine (1918-1942)
*Palestinian Authority (1994-)
*Panama (1878-)
*Papua New Guinea (1901-)
*Paraguay (1870-)
*Penrhyn Island (1902-1928, 1973-)
*Peru (1857-)
*The Philippines (1854-)
*Pitcairn Islands (1940-)
*Poland (1860, 1918-)
**Polish post offices in the Turkish Empire (1919)
**Poland Exile Government (1941-1944)
*Ponta Delgada (1892-1905)
*Portugal (1853-)
**Azores (1980-)
**Madeira (1980-)
*Portuguese Africa (1898-1919)
*Portuguese Congo (1894-1914)
*Portuguese Guinea (1881-1973)
*Portuguese India (1871-1960)
*Puerto Rico (1873-1900)


*Qatar (1957-)
*Queensland (1860-1909)
*Quelimane (1913-1914)


*Ras al Khaima (1964-1966)
*Rhodesia (British South African Company) (1889-1917)
*Rhodesia (1965-1978)
*Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1954-1963)
*Rio de Oro (1905-1921)
*Rio Muni (1960-1968)
*Romania (1858-)
**Romanian post offices in the Turkish Empire (1896-1919)
*Rouad (1916)
*Ruanda-Urundi (1924-1961)
*Russia (1857-1923, 1992-)
**Wenden (1862-1901)
**Army of the Northwest (1919)
**Army of the North (1919)
**Russian post offices in China (1899-1920)
**Russian post offices in Crete (1899)
**Russian post offices in the Levant (1863-1913)
*Rwanda (1962-)
*Ryukyu Islands (1948-1972)


*Saar (1920-1959)
*St. Christopher (1870-1890)
*St. Helena (1856-)
*St. Kitts (1980-)
*Saint Kitts and Nevis (1903-1980)
*Saint Lucia (1860-)
*Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (1885-)
*St. Thomas and Prince Islands (1869-)
*Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1861-)
**St. Vincent Bequia (1984-)
**St. Vincent Canouan (1997-)
**St. Vincent Mustique (1997-)
**St. Vincent Union Islands (1984-)
*Ste-Marie de Madagascar (1894)
*El Salvador (1867-)
*Samoa (1877-)
*San Marino (1877-)
*Sao Tome and Principe (1869-)
*Sarawak (1869-1963)
*Saseno (1923)
*Saudi Arabia (1916-)
*Senegal (1887-)
*Senegambia and Niger (1903)
*Serbia (1866-1920)
*Serbia and Montenegro (2003-)
*Seychelles (1890-)
**Seychelles, Zil Elwannyen Sesel (1980-)
*Shanghai (1865-1896)
*Sharjah (1963-1968)
*Siberia (1919-1922)
*Sierra Leone (1859-)
*Singapore (1948-)
*Slovakia (1939-1945, 1993-)
*Slovenia (1991-)
*Solomon Islands (1907-)
*Somalia (1903-)
*Somali Coast (1894-1967)
*Somaliland Protectorate (1903-1960)
*South Africa (1910-)
**Bophuthatswana (1977-1978)
**Ciskei (1981-1983)
**Transkei (1976-1989)
**Venda (1979-1982)
*South Arabia (1963-1966)
*South Australia (1855-1912)
*Southern Nigeria (1901-1912)
*Southern Rhodesia (1924-1964)
*South Georgia (1963-1992)
*South Ossetia (1994-)
*South Russia (1918-1919)
*South West Africa (1923-1990)
*Sovereign Military Order of Malta (1966-)
*Spain (1850-)
*Spanish Guinea (1902-1959)
*Spanish Morocco (1903-1955)
*Spanish Sahara (1924-1975)
*Spanish West Africa (1949-1951)
*Sri Lanka (1972-)
*Straits Settlements (1867-1945)
*Sudan (1897-)
*Suriname (1873-)
*Swaziland (1889-)
*Sweden (1855-)
*Switzerland (1850-)
*Syria (1919-)


*Tahiti (1882-1903)
*Tajikistan (1992-)
*Tanganyika (1921-1962)
*Tannu Tuva (1926-1943, 1994-1995)
*Tanzania (1964-)
*Tasmania (1853-1912)
*Tete (1913-1914)
*Thailand (1883-)
*Thrace (1913)
*Tibet (1912-1934)
*Timor (1885-1970)
*Tobago (1879-1896)
*Togo (1897-)
*British occupation of Togo (1914-1916)
*Tokelau (1948-1993)
*Tonga (1886-)
**Niuafo'ou (1983-)
*Transcaucasian Federated Republics (1923)
*Transvaal (1869-1910)
*Trinidad (1851-1909)
*Trinidad and Tobago (1913-)
*Tripolitania (1923-1934)
*Tristan da Cunha (1952-)
*Trucial States (1961-1961)
*Tunisia (1888-)
*Turkey (1863-)
**Turkey in Asia (1920-1922)
**Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (1974-)
*Turkmenistan (1992-)
*Turks Islands (1867-1895)
*Turks and Caicos Islands (1900-)
**Caicos (1981-1985)
*Tuvalu (1976-)
**Tuvalu-Funafuti (1984-1988)
**Tuvalu-Nanumaga (1984-1987)
**Tuvalu-Nanumea (1984-1987)
**Tuvalu-Niutao (1984-1987)
**Tuvalu-Nui (1984-1988)
**Tuvalu-Nukufetau (1984-1988)
**Tuvalu-Nukulaelae (1984-1987)
**Tuvalu-Vaitupu (1984-1987)


*Ubangi-Shari (1915-1933)
*Uganda (1895-1902, 1962-)
*Ukraine (1918-1923, 1992-)
*Umm al Qiwain (1964-1969)
*Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991)
*United Arab Emirates (1972-)
*United Kingdom (1840-)
**Northern Ireland (1958-)
**Scotland (1958-)
**Wales and Monmouthshire (1958-)
**British post offices in Africa (1942-1947)
**British post offices in China (1917-1922)
**British post offices in Morocco (1898-1956)
**British post offices in Tangier (1927-1957)
**British post offices in the Ottoman Empire (1885-1921)
**Guernsey (1957-)
**Alderney (1983-)
**Herm (1949-1971)
**Jersey (1957-)
**Lundy (1929-)
**Isle of Man (1957-)
*United Nations (1951-)

*United States (1847-)
**Panama Canal Zone (1904-1978)
**Confederate States (1861-1863)
**Guam (1899)
**Hawaii (1851-1899)
*Upper Senegal and Niger (1906-1915)
*Upper Silesia (1920-1922)
*Upper Volta (1920-1980)
*Uruguay (1856-)
*Uzbekistan (1992-)


*Vanuatu (1980-)
*Vatican City (1929-)
*Venezuela (1859-)
*Victoria (1850-1912)
*Vietnam (1946-)
*Virgin Islands (1866-1980)


*Wallis and Futuna Islands (1920-1990)
*West Irian (1962-1970)
*Western Australia (1854-1912)
*Western Sahara
*Western Ukraine (1918-1919)


*Yemen (1926-)
*People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (1968-1990)
*Yugoslavia (1921-2003)
**Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia (1918-1920)
**Croatia-Slavonia, Yugoslavia (1918-1919)
**Slovenia, Yugoslavia (1918-1920)
**Ljubljana (1941-1945)
**Istria & Slovene Coast (1945-1947)
**Trieste Zone B (1948-1952)


*Zambezia (1894-1917)
*Zambia (1964-)
*Zanzibar (1895-1967)
*Zimbabwe (1980-)
*Zululand (1888-1896)

ee also

* Topical stamp collecting

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  • List of people on stamps of Australia — This is a list of people on the postage stamps of Australia. NOTOC compactTOC 2006 Commonwealth Games Gold Medal winners, Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, See also New South Wales 1850 1912 *Charles… …   Wikipedia

  • List of people on stamps of the German Democratic Republic — This is a list of people on postage stamps of the German Democratic Republic. See also list of people on stamps of Germany.This list is complete for appearances on regular stamps from 1950 to 1960.A*Ernst Abbe (1956) *Hermann Abendroth (1957)… …   Wikipedia

  • List of people on stamps of Nicaragua — This is a list of people on stamps of Nicaragua.The list is complete through 1974 in regular stamps, and 1966 for airmail.* George Biddell Airy (1994) British Astronomer Royal * Brother Antonio (1958) * Manuel José Arce (1921) * Brother Argeo… …   Wikipedia

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