

In Greek mythology, Auge (pronEng|ˈɔːdʒiː [Dictionary of Name Pronunciation - [ Pronounce Auge] ] ) a daughter of Aleus and Neaera and priestess of Athena Alea at Tegea, bore the hero Telephos to Heracles. Her father had been told by an oracle that he would be overthrown by his grandson. [Compare the fate of Cronus; a similar oracle presaged the begetting of Achilles.] She secreted the baby in the temple of Athena. A scarcity alerted Aleus that there was a profanation of the temple, and he discovered the child.

In one version the baby was exposed on Mount Parthenion above Tegea, where Telephos was suckled by a deer. ["Bibliotheke" 2.7.4; 3.9.1.]

In another Auge was given to Nauplius ("sailor") who was to kill her, but who, taking pity, brought her to Teuthas, a king in Mysia, in Asia Minor. Alternatively, Auge and Telephus were put in a crate and set adrift on the sea. [Compare the fate of Danaë and Perseus] They washed up in Mysia, where Telephos later appeared in his wanderings; mother and son were about to consummate their marriage when they were parted by a thunderbolt.

In the time of Pausanias (second century CE), her tomb was still shown at Pergamon (Pausanias 8.4.6), where the Attalids venerated Telephos as a founding hero. In the Telephos frieze on the Great Altar of Pergamon, Auge appears in a subsidiary role. According to Hyginus ["Fabulae" 183.] another Auge is one of the Horae, presiding over the first light of the day.



* Pronounce Auge - "Dictionary of Name Pronunciation" ( [ On-line text] )
*William Smith "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", vol. 1, p 419 ( [ On-line text] )
*Seyffert, "Dictionary of Classical Antiquities" ( [ On-line text, sub "Telephus"] )

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