Gazeta Warszawska

Gazeta Warszawska

Gazeta Warszawska (lit. "Warsaw Gazette") was the first newspaper published regularly in Warsaw for an extended period of time. Founded in 1774, it remained active under a variety of names until 1935. The names included the Gazeta Wolna Warszawska ("Warsaw Independent Gazette"; during the Warsaw Uprising (1794)) and Gazeta Poranna Warszawska ("Warsaw Morning Gazette"; after the merger with Gazeta Poranna 2 Grosze in 1925).

Initially led by Stefan Łuskina, it remained his personal enterprise until 1793. Defunct after the founders' death, it was recreated as a conservative newspaper the following year, this time as a private venture of the Lesznowski family. Among the notable editors of the newspaper were Józef Kenig (1859-1889), Maurycy Zamoyski (1906-1909) and Roman Dmowski (1910-1916). Disbanded in 1916, it was recreated in 1918, this time as an organ of the National Democrats. Drifting towards the far-right, it was officially banned by the Sanacja in 1935, after which it was continued until 1939 under the name of Warszawski Dziennik Narodowy ("Warsaw National Daily").

The Jewish war of 1859

In 1859 Gazeta launched an antisemitic campaign, known as the Jewish war of 1859, against the Jewish bourgeoisie of Warsaw. The Jews sued Gazeta Warszawska for defamation but lost in court. Historian Joachim Lelewel and some democrats supported them, but public opinion was on the side of the leaders of this campaign Magdalena M. Opalski, Israel Bartal "Poles and Jews: A Failed Brotherhood", UPNE, 1992, p. 17] Later in the nineteenth century the leaders of the Endecja praised the Gazeta for being the first forum for Polish integral nationalism, and considered it to be a predecessor of their movement: " [The Gazeta Warszawska] wasthe leading national paper that advocated the preservation of Polish national culture, fought against the Jewish influence, and warned against the German threat long before the birth of Roman Dmowski" Joanna Beata Michlic "Poland's Threatening Other: The Image of the Jew from 1880 to the Present", University of Nebraska Press, 2006 p. 46]


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