- Stark effect
The Stark effect is the shifting and splitting of
spectral line s of atoms and molecules due to the presence of an external staticelectric field . The amount of splitting and or shifting is called the Stark splitting or Stark shift. In general one distinguishes first- and second-order Stark effects. The first-order effect is linear in the applied electric field, while the second-order effect is quadratic in the field.The Stark effect is responsible for the pressure broadening (Stark broadening) of spectral lines by charged particles. When the split/shifted lines appear in absorption, the effect is called the inverse Stark effect.
The Stark effect is the electric analogue of the
Zeeman effect where a spectral line is split into several components due to the presence of amagnetic field .History
The effect is named after
Johannes Stark , who discovered it in 1913. It was independently discovered in the same year by the Italian physicistAntonino Lo Surdo , and in Italy it is thus sometimes called the Stark-Lo Surdo effect. The discovery of this effect contributed importantly to the development of quantum theory. Ironically, soon after their discoveries, both Stark and Lo Surdo rejected developments in modern physics and allied themselves with the political and racial programs of Hitler and Mussolini. [M. Leone, A. Paoletti, and N. Robotti, "A Simultaneous Discovery: The Case of Johannes Stark and Antonino Lo Surdo", Physics in Perspective, vol. 6, pp. 271-294 (2004).]Inspired by the magnetic
Zeeman effect , and especially by Lorentz' explanation of it,Woldemar Voigt [W. Voigt, "Ueber das Elektrische Analogon des Zeemaneffectes" (On the electric analogue of the Zeeman effect), Annalen der Physik, vol. 4,pp. 197-208 (1901).] performed classical mechanical calculations of quasi-elastically bound electrons in an electric field. By using experimental indices of refraction he gave an estimate of the Stark splittings. This estimate was a few orders of magnitude too low. Not deterred by this prediction, Stark [J. Stark, "Beobachtungen über den Effekt des elektrischen Feldes auf Spektrallinien I. Quereffekt" (Observations of the effect of the electric field on spectral lines I. Transverse effect), Annalen der Physik, vol. 43, pp. 965-983 (1914). Published earlier (1913) in Sitzungsberichten der Kgl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss.] undertook measurements on excited states of the hydrogen atom and succeeded in observing splittings.By the use of the Bohr-Sommerfeld ("old") quantum theory Paul Epstein [P. S. Epstein, "Zur Theorie des Starkeffektes", Annalen der Physik, vol. 50, pp. 489-520 (1916)] and
Karl Schwarzschild [K. Schwarzschild, Sitzungsberichten der Kgl. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. April 1916, p. 548] were independently able to derive equations for the linear and quadratic Stark effect inhydrogen . Four years later, Hendrik Kramers [H. A. Kramers, Roy. Danish Academy, "Intensities of Spectral Lines. On the Application of the Quantum Theory to the Problem of Relative Intensities of the Components of the Fine Structure and of the Stark Effect of the Lines of the Hydrogen Spectrum", p. 287 (1919);"Über den Einfluß eines elektrischen Feldes auf die Feinstruktur der Wasserstofflinien" (On the influence of an electric field on the fine structure of hydrogen lines), Zeitschrift für Physik, vol. 3, pp. 199-223 (1920)] derived formulas for intensities of spectral transitions. Kramers also included the effect offine structure , which includes corrections for relativistic kinetic energy and coupling between electron spin and orbit. The first quantum mechanical treatment (in the framework of Heisenberg'smatrix mechanics ) was by Wolfgang Pauli [W. Pauli, "Über dass Wasserstoffspektrum vom Standpunkt der neuen Quantenmechanik" (On the hydrogen spectrum from the point of view of the new quantum mechanics). Zeitschrift für Physik, vol. 36 p. 336 (1926)] . Erwin Schrödinger discussed at length the Stark effect in his third paper [E. Schrödinger, "Quantisierung als Eigenwertproblem",Annalen der Physik, vol. 80, 437-490 (1926)] on quantum theory (in which he introduced his perturbation theory), once in the manner of the 1916 work of Epstein (but generalized from the old to the new quantum theory) and once by his (first-order) perturbation approach.Finally, Epstein [P. S. Epstein, "The Stark Effect from the Point of View of Schroedinger's Quantum Theory", Physical Review, vol 28, pp. 695-710 (1926)] reconsidered the linear and quadratic Stark effect from the point of view of the new quantum theory. He derived equations for the line intensities which were a decided improvement over Kramers' results obtained by the old quantum theory.Mechanism
Classical electrostatics
The Stark effect originates from the interaction between a charge distribution (atom or molecule) and an external
electric field . Before turning to quantum mechanics we describe the interactionclassically and consider a continuous charge distribution ρ(r).If this charge distribution is non-polarizable its interaction energy with an external electrostatic potential "V"(r) is :If the electric field is of macroscopic origin and the charge distribution is microscopic, it is reasonable to assume that the electric field is uniform over the charge distribution. That is, "V" is given by a two-term Taylor expansion,:where we took the origin 0 somewhere within ρ.With as the zero energy, the interaction becomes:Here we have introduced the dipole moment μ of ρ as an integral over the charge distribution. In case ρ consists of "N" point charges "q"j this definition becomes a sum:Perturbation theory
Turning now to quantum mechanics we see an atom or a molecule as a collection of point charges (electrons and nuclei), so that the second definition of the dipole applies. The interaction of atom or molecule with a uniform external field is described by the operator:This operator is used as a perturbation in first- and second-order
perturbation theory to account for the first- and second-order Stark effect.First order
Let the unperturbed atom or molecule be in a "g"-fold degenerate state with orthonormal zeroth-order state functions . (Non-degeneracy is the special case "g" = 1). According to perturbation theory the first-order energies are the eigenvalues of the "g" x "g" matrix with general element :If "g" = 1 (as is often the case for electronic states of molecules) the first-order energy becomes proportional to the expectation (average) value of the dipole operator ,:
Because a dipole moment is a polar vector, the diagonal elements of the perturbation matrix Vint vanish for systems with an inversion center (such as atoms). Molecules with an inversion center in a non-degenerate electronic state do not have a (permanent) dipole and hence do not show a linear Stark effect.
In order to obtain a non-zero matrix Vint for systems with an inversion center it is necessary that some of the unperturbed functions have opposite parity (obtain plus and minus under inversion), because only functions of opposite parity give non-vanishing matrix elements. Degenerate zeroth-order states of opposite parity occur for excited hydrogen-like (one-electron) atoms. Such atoms have the principal quantum number "n" among their quantum numbers. The excited state of hydrogen-like atoms with principal quantum number "n" is "n"2-fold degenerate and:where is the azimuthal (angular momentum) quantum number. For instance, the excited "n" = 4 state contains the following states,:The one-electron states with even are even under parity, while those with odd are odd under parity. Hence hydrogen-like atoms with "n">1 show first-order Stark effect.
The first-order Stark effect occurs in rotational transitions of symmetric top molecules (but not for linear and asymmetric molecules). In first approximation a molecule may be seen as a rigid rotor. A symmetric top
rigid rotor has the unperturbed eigenstates:with 2(2"J"+1)-fold degenerate energy for |K| > 0 and (2"J"+1)-fold degenerate energy for K=0.Here "D""J""MK" is an element of theWigner D-matrix . The first-order perturbation matrix on basis of the unperturbed rigid rotor function is non-zero and can be diagonalized. This gives shifts and splittingsin the rotational spectrum. Quantitative analysis of these Stark shift yields the permanentelectric dipole moment of the symmetric top molecule.econd order
As stated, the quadratic Stark effect is described by second-order perturbation theory.The zeroth-order problems:are assumed to be solved. It is usual to assume that the zeroth-order state to be perturbed is non-degenerate. If we take the ground state as the non-degenerate state under consideration (for hydrogen-like atoms: "n" = 1), perturbation theory gives:with the components of the
polarizability tensor α defined by:The energy "E"(2) gives the quadratic Stark effect.Because of their spherical symmetry the polarizability tensor of atoms is isotropic,:which is the quadratic Stark shift for atoms. For many molecules this expression is not too bad an approximation, because molecular tensors are often reasonably isotropic.
The perturbative treatment of the Stark effect has some problems. In the presence of an electric field, states of atoms and molecules that were previously bound (
square-integrable ), become formally (non-square-integrable)resonance s of finite width.These resonances may decay in finite time via field ionization. For low lying states and not too strong fields the decay times are so long, however, that for all practical purposes the system can be regarded as bound. For highly excited states and very strong fields ionization may have to be accounted for. (See also the article on theRydberg atom ).Quantum-Confined Stark Effect
In a semiconductor heterostructure, where a small bandgap material is sandwiched between two layers of a larger bandgap material, the Stark effect can be dramatically enhanced by bound
excitons . This is because theelectron and hole which form the exciton are pulled in opposite directions by the applied electric field, but they remain confined in the smaller bandgap material, so the exciton is not merely pulled apart by the field. The quantum-confined Stark effect is widely used for semiconductor-based optical modulators, particularly foroptical fiber communications.See also
Zeeman splitting
*Autler-Townes effect
*Stark spectroscopy Notes
:See for the early history of the Stark effect: E. Whitaker, "A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity", vol. II; "The Modern Theories", American Institute of Physics (1987).
* "(Chapter 17 provides a comprehensive treatment, as of 1935.)"
* "(Stark effect for rotating molecules)"
* "(Stark effect for atoms)"
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