

Primo may refer to:


*DJ Premier, hip-hop producer, sometimes goes by nickname Primo
*Primo Carnera (1906 – 1967), Italian boxer, World Heavyweight champion 1933 - 1934
*Primo Cassarino (born 1956), enforcer for the Gambino crime family
*Primo Colon (born 1982), Pro Wrestler
*Primo Conti (1900 - 1988), Italian Futurist artist
*Primo Levi (1919 - 1987), Jewish Italian chemist, Holocaust survivor, and author
*Primo Riccitelli (1875 - 1941), Italian composer
*Primo Zamparini, Italian bantamweight Olympic and professional boxer
*Primož Brezec (born 1979), Slovenian professional basketball player
*Al Primo (born 1938), television news executive credited with creating the "Eyewitness News" format
*Francisco Primo de Verdad y Ramos (1760 — 1808), New Spain lawyer and politician
*The Italian name of Saint Primus

ee also

*Primo de Rivera

Places in Italy

*Casorate Primo, a municipality in the Province of Pavia in Lombardy
*Castano Primo, a municipality in the Province of Milan in Lombardy
*Masciago Primo, a municipality in the Province of Varese in Lombardy
*Palasport Primo Carnera, an indoor sporting arena in Udine

Art, music, and literature

*"Primo" (2005 film), a 2005 film of Antony Sher's play of the same title, adapted from Primo Levi's Holocaust memoir "If This Is a Man"
*"Primo Victoria", a 2005 album by Swedish power-metal band Sabaton
*"O Primo Basílio", an 1878 novel by Portuguese author José Maria Eça de Queiroz
*"Riccardo Primo", a 1727 opera in three acts by George Frideric Handel
*An alternate term for the subidor, a drum used in the music of Puerto Rico

Business and industry

*Primo Filmes, a Brazilian film production company
*Primo Schincariol, a South American brewery and beverage maker based in Brazil
*PRIMO (software), software for bio-informatics developed at the Genome Center at University of Texas at Austin
*PRIMOS, an operating system developed during the 1970s by Prime Computer
*DUPLO Primo and Lego Primo, now known as Lego Baby, a line of Lego blocks for small children
*Plaxton Primo, a type of small bus produced by Plaxton
*Primo Lenses, a lenses brand-line manufactured by Panavision Inc.
*Primo Brewing & Malting Company of Honolulu, HI. Brewers of [ Primo beer] since 1897.


*Primo visto, a 16th-century card game
*Primos (SEPTA station), a station along the SEPTA West Chester Line in Pennsylvania
*"Primo Longobordo" (S-501), an Italian submarine that may once have been the USS "Volador" (SS-490)

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