ACDF — Anterior Cervical Discectomy And Fusion (Medical » Physiology) **** American College Dance Festival (Community » Performing Arts) ** Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion (Medical » Physiology) ** African Citizens Development Foundation… … Abbreviations dictionary
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion — (ACDF) is a common surgical procedure to treat nerve root or spinal cord compression by decompressing the spinal cord and nerve roots of the cervical spine in order to stabilize the corresponding vertebrae. This procedure is used when other non… … Wikipedia
Bijective proof — In combinatorics, bijective proof is a proof technique that finds a bijective function f : A → B between two sets A and B , thus proving that they have the same number of elements, | A | = | B |. One place the technique is useful is where we wish … Wikipedia
Patrick Street — is an Irish folk group.The band was formed in Dublin in 1986 with Kevin Burke (formerly of The Bothy Band) on fiddle, Jackie Daly (De Dannan) on button accordion, Andy Irvine (Sweeney s Men, Planxty) on bouzouki and vocals, and Arty McGlynn (Van… … Wikipedia
Banzhaf power index — The Banzhaf power index, named after John F. Banzhaf III (though originally invented by harvtxt|Penrose|1946 and sometimes calledPenrose Banzhaf index),is a power index defined by the probability of changing an outcome of a vote where voting… … Wikipedia
Spinal fusion — Intervention An anterior posterior X ray of a case of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis post fusion ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
Archive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — The archive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican (abbreviated to ACDF for Archivio Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei), commonly referred to as the Archive of the Inquisition (or more fully the Archive of the Inquisition… … Wikipedia
Aéroclub féminin la Stella — L Aéroclub Féminin la Stella est un club réunissant les femmes aéronautes sportives du début du XXe siècle. Cette association est l issue d une longue lutte féminine pour être reconnue en tant que professionnelles compétentes et sportives… … Wikipédia en Français
Vértebra — Vértebras cervicales Articulaciones Sínfisis vertebral Cifapofisaria Intertransversa Interespinosa Se denomina vértebra a cada uno de los huesos que conforman la columna vertebral … Wikipedia Español
Comité américain pour les régions dévastées — Le Comité américain pour les régions dévastées (en anglais American Committee for Devasted France (ACDF)) a été créé le 31 mars 1918 par Anne Morgan, fille du banquier américain J.P. Morgan. Il poursuit la mission de la section civile de l AFFW,… … Wikipédia en Français