- Tabebuia
image_width = 200px
image_caption = FloweringAraguaney or "ipê-amarelo" ("Tabebuia chrysantha") in centralBrazil
regnum =Plant ae
divisio =Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
subclassis =Asteridae
unranked_ordo =Euasterids I
ordo =Lamiales
familia =Bignoniaceae
tribus =Tecomeae
genus = "Tabebuia"
genus_authority = Gomez
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = Nearly 100, see text"Tabebuia" is a
neotropical genus of about 100species Steyermark "et al." (1997)] in the tribeTecomeae of the familyBignoniaceae . The species range from northernMexico and theAntilles south to northernArgentina , including theCaribbean islands ofHispaniola (Dominican Republic andHaiti ) andCuba . Well-known common names include Ipê, Poui, trumpet trees and "pau d'arco".Description
They are large
shrub s and trees growing to 5 to 50 m (16 to 160 ft) tall depending on the species; many species are dry-seasondeciduous but some areevergreen . The leaves are opposite pairs, complex or palmately compound with 3-7 leaflets."Tabebuia" is a notable
flower ing tree. The flowers are 3 to 11 cm (1 to 4 in) wide and are produced in dense clusters. They present a cupular calyx campanulate to tubular, truncate, bilabiate or 5-lobed. Corolla colors vary between species ranging from white, light pink, yellow, lavender, magenta, or red. The outside texture of the flower tube is eitherglabrous or pubescent.The
fruit is adehiscent pod, 10 to 50 cm (4 to 20 in) long, containing numerous - in some species winged -seed s. These pods often remain on the tree through dry season until the beginning of therainy season .Uses and ecology
Species in this genus are important as
timber trees. The wood is used for furniture,decking , and other outdoor uses. It has a fire rating of A1 (the highest possible, the same as concrete), [Wood Addicts' Guide Book: [http://www.woodsthebest.com/ipe_decking/ipe-wood.htm Ipe Lumber Fact Sheet] . Retrieved 2008-JAN-27.] and is denser than water (it sinks). It is increasingly popular as a decking material due to its insect resistance and durability. By 2007, FSC-certified ipê wood had become readily available on the market, although certificates are occasionally forged. [FSC Watch : [http://www.fsc-watch.org/archives/2007/08/22/SmartWood_misled_US_local_authority_over_FSC_timber SmartWood misled US local authority over FSC timber] . Posted 2007-AUG-22. Retrieved 2008-JAN-27.]"Tabebuia" is widely used as ornamental tree in the tropics in landscaping gardens, public squares and boulevards due to its impressive and colorful flowering. Many flowers appear on still leafless stems at the end of the dry season, making the floral display more conspicuous. They are useful as
honey plant s forbee s, and are popular with certainhummingbird s. [Baza Mendonça & dos Anjos (2005)] NaturalistMadhaviah Krishnan on the other hand once famously took offense at ipé grown inIndia , where it is not native.The
bark of several species has medical properties. The bark is dried, shredded and then boiled making a bitter or sour-tasting brownish-colored tea. Tea from the inner bark ofPink Ipê ("T. impetiginosa") is known asLapacho or Taheebo. Its main active principles arelapachol ,quercetin and otherflavonoids . It is also available in pill form. The herbal remedy is typically used during flu and cold season and for easingsmoker's cough . It apparently works asexpectorant , by promoting the lungs to cough up and free deeply embeddedmucus and contaminants. However, lapachol is rather toxic and therefore a moretopical use e.g. asantibiotic orpesticide may be advisable. Other species with significant folk medical use are "T. alba" andYellow Lapacho ("T. serratifolia")."
Tabebuia heteropoda , T. incana" and other species are occasionally used as an additive to theentheogen ic drinkAyahuasca . [Ott (1995)]"
Mycosphaerella tabebuiae ", aplant pathogen ic sac fungus, was first discovered on an ipê tree.Conservation concerns
The demand for ipê wood has risen dramatically in recent years, especially in the
United States . By the 1990s, numerous environmental organizations working on preservation of theAmazon Rainforest reported that about 80% of logging in the Brazilian Amazon was illegal. The Brazilian government has confirmed this figure, most notably in a leaked report from theBrazilian Intelligence Agency , in which it was confirmed that five times the amount of wood sanctioned to be cut from legal Amazon concessions was being exported and that numerous staff of the environment agencyIBAMA were taking bribes. [SAE (1997)]In an October 2001 study for
Greenpeace , five companies were reported to be logging illegally for ipê and other hardwoods in the region aroundSantarém, Pará :Cemex Commercial Madeiras Exportaçao ,Madeireira Santarém (Madesa ),Industrial Madeireira Curuatinga ,Maderieira Rancho da Cabocla andEstância Alecrim /Milton José Schnorr . The bulk of their illegal timber exports from that region went toThe Netherlands andFrance . [Marquesini & Edwards (2001)]Much of the ipê imported into the
US is used fordecking . Starting in the late 1960s, importing companies targeted largeboardwalk projects to sell ipê, beginning withNew York City Parks and Recreation ("Parks") which maintains the city's boardwalks, including along thebeach ofConey Island . The city began using ipê around that time and has since converted the entireboardwalk — over 10 miles (16 km) long — to ipê. The ipê lasted about 25year s, at which time (1994), Parks has been replacing it with new ipê. Given that ipê trees typically grow in densities of only one or two trees per acre, large areas of forest must be logged to fill orders for boardwalks and, to a lesser extent, homeownerdecks .A 1998 study for
Rainforest Relief stated that at one time average yields were 76 board feet per acre (44 m³/km²) of FEQ (first export quality — FAS four-side-clear) grade ipê over seven feet (2.1 m) in length. Typically, wooden boardwalks are composed of 30,000 to 40,000 board feet (70 to 90 m³) per city block. ForNew York City 's 10 miles (16 km) of boardwalk, this would yield an estimate of 83,360 acres (337 km²) of Amazonrainforest logged. [Keating (1998)]Nowadays, ipé wood from cultivated trees supersedes timber extracted from the wild. As noted above, customers should check for legitimacy of certificates.
Notable species
Pink Ipê ("Tabebuia impetiginosa") in detail]
* "Tabebuia alba "
* "Tabebuia anafensis "
* "Tabebuia arimaoensis "
* "Tabebuia aurea " –Caribbean Trumpet Tree
* "Tabebuia bibracteolata "
* "Tabebuia cassinoides "
* "Tabebuia chrysantha " –Araguaney , Yellow Ipê, "tajibo" (Bolivia ), "ipê-amarelo" (Brazil ), "cañaguate" (NColombia )
* "Tabebuia chrysotricha " –Golden Trumpet Tree
* "Tabebuia donnell-smithii " Rose –Gold Tree , "Prima Vera ", "Cortez blanco " (El Salvador ), "San Juan" (Honduras ), "palo blanco " (Guatemala ),"duranga " (Mexico ):A native ofMexico andCentral America s, considered one of the most colorful of allCentral America n trees. The leaves aredeciduous . Masses of golden-yellow flowers cover the crown after the leaves are shed.
* "Tabebuia dubia "
* "Tabebuia ecuadorensis "
* "Tabebuia elongata "
* "Tabebuia furfuracea "
* "Tabebuia geminiflora " Rizz. & Mattos
* "Tabebuia guayacan " (Seem.) Hemsl.
* "Tabebuia haemantha "
* "Tabebuia heptaphylla " (Vell. ) Toledo – "tajy "
* "Tabebuia heterophylla " – "roble prieto "
* "Tabebuia heteropoda "
* "Tabebuia hypoleuca "
* "Tabebuia impetiginosa " –Pink Ipê , Pink Lapacho, "ipê-cavatã, ipê-comum, ipê-reto, ipê-rosa, ipê-roxo-damata, pau d'arco-roxo, peúva, piúva" (Brazil), "lapacho negro" (Spanish); "not" "brazilwood "
* "Tabebuia incana "
* "Tabebuia jackiana "
* "Tabebuia lapacho " – "lapacho amarillo "
* "Tabebuia orinocensis " A.H. GentryVerify source|date=January 2008
* "Tabebuia ochracea "
* "Tabebuia oligolepis "
* "Tabebuia pallida " –Cuban Pink Trumpet Tree
* "Tabebuia platyantha "
* "Tabebuia polymorpha "
* "Tabebuia rosea " (Bertol. ) DC.Verify source|date=January 2008 (= "T. pentaphylla" (L.) Hemsley) –Pink Poui ,Pink Tecoma , "apama,apamate ,matilisguate " :A popular street tree in tropical cities because of its multi-annular masses of light pink flowers and modest size. The roots are not especially destructive for roads and sidewalks. It is the state tree of Cojedes,Venezuela
* "Tabebuia roseo-alba " –White Ipê , "ipê-branco" (Brazil), "lapacho blanco"
* "Tabebuia serratifolia " –Yellow Lapacho , Yellow Poui, "ipê-roxo" (Brazil)
* "Tabebuia shaferi "
* "Tabebuia striata "
* "Tabebuia subtilis " Sprague & Sandwith
* "Tabebuia umbellata "
* "Tabebuia vellosoi " ToledoGallery of "Tabebuia" flowers
Gallery of Tabebuia pallida
* (2005): Beija-flores (Aves, Trochilidae) e seus recursos florais em uma área urbana do Sul do Brasil [Hummingbirds (Aves, Trochilidae) and their flowers in an urban area of southern Brazil] . [Portuguese with English abstract] "Revista Brasileira de Zoologia" 22(1): 51–59. doi|10.1590/S0101-81752005000100007 [http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rbzool/v22n1/a07v22n1.pdf PDF fulltext]
* (1992): "t". Macmillan.
* (1998): Deep Impact: An Estimate of Tropical Rainforest Acres Impacted for a Board Foot of Imported Ipê. "Rainforest Relief Reports" 6: 1-4. [http://www.rainforestrelief.org/documents/Deep_Impact_2.pdf PDF fulltext]
* (1992): "Árvores brasileiras: manual de identificação e cultivo de plantas arbóreas nativas do Brasil."
* (2001): The Santarem Five and Illegal Logging — A Case Study. [http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/content/international/press/reports/the-santarem-five-illegal-hi.pdf PDF fulltext]
* (1995): [http://www.serendipity.li/dmt/hoasca.html#tbl1 Ayahuasca Additive Plants] . "In: Ayahuasca Analogues: Pangaean Entheogens".
* (1997): Política Florestal: Exploração Madeireira na Amazônica. Confidential report.
* (1997): 35. "Tababuia". "In: Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana" (Vol. 3 Araliaceae-Cactaceae). ISBN 0-915279-46-0 [http://www.mobot.org/mobot/research/ven-guayana/ HTML fulltext]
* (2007a): Germplasm Resources Information Network - [http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/splist.pl?11823 "Tabebuia"] . Retrieved 2007-NOV-14.External links
* [http://www.paudarco.org Pau d'Arco Benefits and Cautions Explained]
* [http://www.rainforestrelief.org/Campaigns/New_York_City_s_Rainforest_Wood.html New York City's use of tropical hardwoods]
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