

Capdepera is a small municipality on Majorca, one of the Balearic Islands, Spain.Capdepera is a historical village just 8km from Artà as you approach Cala Ratjada near the top of Majorca's east coast. Originally there had been a watchtower where the castle stands today which was used to guard the coast. In 1300 King Jaume II ordered the construction of a fortified village which would control the uninhabited land below and the maritime routes with Majorca.

For centuries the town survived behind its walls protected from pirate attacks. As the danger of such attacks disappeared residents of the walled town started to relocate themselves at the bottom of the 162m hill which lead to the development of modern day Capdepera. The better known town of nearby Cala Ratjada actually developed as the fishing and trading port of Capdepera and to this day operates a ferry service with neighbouring Minorca.

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