Nazi songs

Nazi songs

Nazi songs deals with songs that were written for the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.

Some songs which are much older than the post-World War I Nazi movement, and which were used by the Nazis, are often confused with "Nazi songs"; this observation applies above all to "Das Lied der Deutschen" (the first line of which is "Deutschland über Alles"), which was written in 1841. It was made the national anthem of democratic Germany in 1922, but after 1930 the Nazis commonly appended the "Horst-Wessel-Lied" to it. Also, the song "Die Wacht am Rhein", which is famous from a scene of the 1941 movie Casablanca, was at that time almost 100 years old.

In modern Federal Republic of Germany, public singing or performing of songs identified exclusively with Nazi Germany is illegal (§86a Strafgesetzbuch) and can be punished with up to 3 years of imprisonment.


"Horst Wessel Song"

The "Horst-Wessel-Lied", also known as "Die Fahne Hoch", was the official anthem of the NSDAP. The song was written by Horst Wessel, a Nazi activist and SA leader, who was killed by a member of the Communist Party of Germany and subsequently considered a martyr by his National Socialist comrades.[1]

The song is currently banned in Germany (the lyrics and even the melody itself).

"Es zittern die morschen Knochen"

"Es zittern die morschen Knochen" (The rotten bones are trembling) by Hans Baumann was, after the "Horst-Wessel-Lied", one of the most famous Nazi songs.[2] It was the official song of the Hitler Youth: hence the occasional attacks on the elderly in the song. Many Germans know the quote "Heute gehört uns Deutschland und morgen die ganze Welt", but few know the song as a whole.

The original song's refrain was "Denn heute, da hört uns Deutschland/und morgen die ganze Welt" (for today, Germany hears us/and tomorrow, the whole world). This was altered later to "Denn heute gehört uns Deutschland/...", meaning "For today, Germany is ours/...".

Another variation[2] in the first stanza reads "Es zittern die morschen Knochen/der Welt vor dem roten Krieg", meaning "The rotten bones of the world are shaking before the red war".

German lyrics[2] Approximate translation[3]
note: translation is inaccurate and does not match up line-by-line
First stanza

Es zittern die morschen Knochen,
Der Welt vor dem großen Krieg,
Wir haben den Schrecken gebrochen,
Für uns war's ein großer Sieg.

The rotten bones are trembling,
Of the World before the War.
We have smashed this terror,
For us a great victory.


Wir werden weiter marschieren
Wenn alles in Scherben fällt,
Denn heute da hört uns Deutschland
Und morgen die ganze Welt.

We will continue to march,
Even if everything shatters;
Because today Germany hears us,
And tomorrow, the whole World.

Second stanza

Und liegt vom Kampfe in Trümmern
Die ganze Welt zuhauf,
Das soll uns den Teufel kümmern,
Wir bauen sie wieder auf.

And because of the Great War
The World lies in ruins,
But we don't care;
We build it up again.

Third stanza

Und mögen die Alten auch schelten,
So laßt sie nur toben und schrei'n,
Und stemmen sich gegen uns Welten,
Wir werden doch Sieger sein.

And the elders may chide,
So just let them scream and cry,
And if the World decides to fight us,
We will still be the victors.

Fourth stanza

Sie wollen das Lied nicht begreifen,
Sie denken an Knechtschaft und Krieg
Derweil unsre Äcker reifen,
Du Fahne der Freiheit, flieg!

They don't want to understand this song,
They think of slavery and war.
Meanwhile our acres ripen,
Flag of freedom, fly!

Fourth stanza refrain

Wir werden weiter marschieren,
Wenn alles in Scherben fällt;
Die Freiheit stand auf in Deutschland
Und morgen gehört ihr die Welt.

We will continue march,
Even if everything shatters;
Freedom rose in Germany,
And tomorrow the world belongs to it.

MP3 of first three stanzas

"Deutschland erwache"

"Deutschland erwache" ("Germany Awake!") was another song favoured by the Nazis:

German lyrics[4] Approximate translation
First stanza

Deutschland erwache aus deinem bösen Traum!
Gib fremden Juden in deinem Reich nicht Raum!
   Wir wollen kämpfen für dein Auferstehn
   Arisches Blut soll nicht untergehen!

Germany awake from your nightmare!
Give foreign Jews no place in your Empire!
   We will fight for your resurgence!
   Aryan blood shall never perish!

Second stanza

All diese Heuchler, wir werfen sie hinaus,
Juda entweiche aus unserm deutschen Haus!
   Ist erst die Scholle gesäubert und rein,
   Werden wir einig und glücklich sein!

All these hypocrites, we throw them out,
Judea leave our German house!
   If the native soil is clean and pure,
   we united and happy will be!

Third stanza

Wir sind die Kämpfer der N.S.D.A.P.
Treudeutsch im Herzen, im Kampfe fest und zäh.
   Dem Hakenkreuze ergeben sind wir.
   Heil unserm Führer, Heil Hitler dir!

We are the fighters of the NSDAP
True Germans in heart, firm and tough in our Struggle
To the Swastika, devoted are we
Hail our Leader, Hail Hitler to thee!

Combat songs

The battle song of the Nazi Party was the "Kampflied der Nationalsozialisten" by Kleo Pleyer.

Kampflied der Nationalsozialisten (Nazi Combat Song)


Wir sind das Heer vom Hakenkreuz,
Hebt hoch die roten Fahnen!
Der deutschen Arbeit wollen wir,
Den Weg zur Freiheit bahnen!

(Rough English translation)[5]

We are the army of the swastika,
Raise high the red Flags!
For the German labour we want
to clear the path to freedom!

Another song by Kleo Pleyer:[6]

Wir Nationalen Sozialisten,
Wir wollen keine Reaktion
Wir hassen Juden und Marxisten
Ein Hoch der deutschen Revolution
Drum Bruder auf die Barrikaden!
Der Führer ruft, so folget gleich
Die Reaktion hat ihn verraten,
Und dennoch kommit das Dritte Reich!
We National Socialists
Want no reaction (no Reactionaries)
We hate Jews and Marxists
Long live the German Revolution!
Onward, brothers, to the barricades!
The Führer calls, follow him now!
Reaction has betrayed him
But the Third Reich comes nevertheless.

Blut muss fließen

This was an SA combat song based on "Das Heckerlied", a song from the German revolution of 1848 used originally by left wing democrats.[7]

Wetzt die langen Messer auf dem Bürgersteig,
laßt die Messer flutschen in den Judenleib.
Blut muss fließen knüppelhageldick
und wir scheißen auf die Freiheit dieser Judenrepublik.
Zerrt die Konkubine aus dem Fürstenbett,
schmiert die Guillotine mit dem Judenfett.
Blut muss fließen knüppelhageldick
und wir scheißen auf die Freiheit dieser Judenrepublik.
In die Synagoge hängt ein schwarzes Schwein,
in die Parlamente schmeißt die Handgranaten rein.
Blut muss fließen knüppelhageldick
und wir scheißen auf die Freiheit dieser Judenrepublik.
Sharpen the long knives on the pavement,
let the knives stab into the Jews body.
Blood must flow extreme extensive
and we shit on the freedom of this Jews Republic.
Tug the concubine out of the rulers bed,
grease the guillotine with the Jews fat.
Blood must flow extreme extensive
and we shit on the freedom of this Jews Republic.
There's a black pig hanging in the synagogoue,
throw the grenades into the parliaments.
Blood must flow extreme extensive
and we shit on the freedom of this Jewish Republic.

Sieg Heil Viktoria

A popular marching song of the Nazi period,it was attributed to the SS (Schutzstaffel)

Ade, mein liebes Schätzelein,
Ade, ade, ade,
Es muß, es muß geschieden sein
Ade, ade, ade,
Es geht um Deutschlands Gloria,
Gloria, Gloria,
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Good-bye, my sweet darling,
good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
It has, It has to be parted
good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
It is about Germany's Glory,
Glory, Glory,
Hail Victory! Hail Victory! Victory!
Hail Victory! Victory!
Visier und Ziel sind eingestellt
Ade, ade, ade,
Auf Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt,
Ade, ade, ade,
Es geht um Deutschlands Gloria,
Gloria, Gloria,
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sight and target are adjusted,
good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
To Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt,
good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
It is about Germany's Glory,
Glory, Glory,
Hail Victory! Hail Victory! Victory!
Hail Victory! Victory!
Wir ruhen und wir rasten nicht
Ade, ade, ade,
Bis daß die Satansbrut zerbricht,
Ade, ade, ade,
Es geht um Deutschlands Gloria,
Gloria, Gloria,
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
We don't rest or stop,
good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
Until the spawn of Satan breaks,
'good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
It is about Germany's Glory,
Glory, Glory,
Hail Victory! Hail Victory! Victory!
Hail Victory! Victory!
Reich mir die Hand zum Scheidegruß
Ade, ade, ade,
Und deinen Mund zum Abschiedskuß
Ade, ade, ade,
Es geht um Deutschlands Gloria
Gloria, Gloria,
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Give me your hand for the parting greeting,
good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
And your mouth for the parting kiss,
good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
It is about Germany's Glory,
Glory, Glory,
Hail Victory! Hail Victory! Victory!
Hail Victory! Victory!

Other music

See also


  1. ^ Modern history sourcebook
  2. ^ a b c Es zittern die morschen Knochen
  3. ^ Murdoch, Brian; Fighting Songs and Warring Words: Popular Lyrics of Two World Wars, pp. 121-122, Routledge 1990 ISBN 0415031842
  4. ^ Lyrics of "Deutschland erwache"
  5. ^ Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn. Liberty or Equality, Christendom Press, Front Royal, Virginia, 1993. pg 268. This is referenced to: Cf. Ehart (ed) Unter Hitlers Fahnen: grossdeutsches Liederbuch (N.p..Verlag Grossdeutschland, 1932), p. 4.
  6. ^ Ibid. Referenced to: From G. Feder, Das Programm der NSDAP (Munich: Eher, 1936 ["Nationalsozialistische Bibliothek", Heft I]), last page.
  7. ^ Das Heckerlied (German)

Further reading

  • Frommann, Eberhard (1999). Die Lieder des NS-Zeit: Untersuchungen zur nationalsozialistischen Liedpropaganda von den Anfängen bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. ISBN 3-89438-177-9 (German)

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  • Nazi Germany — Greater German Reich Großdeutsches Reich ↓ 1933–1945 …   Wikipedia

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