

An Usu ( _ja. 臼) is a large Japanese mortar with a pestle called kine ("ki-neh", _ja. 杵), used to pound rice or millet.

While the function of an "usu" is similar to the smaller "suribachi" and "surikogi" mortars, the shape is very different, as the "usu" usually lacks the rough pattern in the bowl, and has a differently shaped pestle which is used in a different manner.


The "usu" is usually of a large size, with a height of about 1 meter (including pedestal) and a diameter of ca. 30cm. The "usu" is usually made of wood or stone. The "kine" is a long wooden mallet with a length exceeding 1m. The "usu" is usually operated by two people at the same time. One person swings the "kine" to pound the rice in a similar motion to chopping wood. It is physically demanding work, and is usually done by men who often chant in unison to keep time. Between each swing, another person puts his hand in the bowl to turn the rice. Timing is critical for safe operation of the "usu".


The most common use of an "usu" is to pound cooked white rice into a very sticky mass in order to produce mochi. It is still frequently used in Japan in traditional restaurants and also sometimes in traditional, rural, or wealthier private households. It is claimed that mochi pounded in an "usu" and "kine" tastes better than mochi that has been processed by an electric machine.

See also

*List of Japanese cooking utensils

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