- Hunter Valley cannabis infestation
. At its peak, the infestation covered about thirty square kilometres. It took nine years for the New South Wales government to eradicate it.
Hunter Valley is a fertileagricultural region situated on the east coast ofAustralia , approximately 160kilometres north ofSydney . Due to a mild climate, abundance of water andalluvial soils, the area is well known for itswine grape production, timber getting anddairy cattle andchicken meat and egg industries. TheHunter River flows through Singleton, and empties into theTasman Sea at the city of Newcastle.In the spring and summer of 1963, local farmers noticed a hitherto unknown exotic
weed growing in river banks, along creeks, and nearirrigation channels. They contacted the New South Wales Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Department dispatched field officers to the affected areas, who identified the plant as "cannabis sativa ". The plant was listed as anoxious weed , which required it to be eradicated underNew South Wales law. It was also listed as a prohibiteddrug .The discovery initially created a sensation in the press. One
Sydney newspaper reported the find under the headline “Love Drug found in the Hunter Valley”. The discovery aroused some interest in the fledgling bohemian community, while local dairy farmers demanded something be done about the problem to protect their valuable pasture lands. The New South Wales Department of Agriculture and Fisheries reported the discovery to theNew South Wales Police Force. The local chief of police in the Hunter Valley publicly declared that theinfestation would be eradicated “within six to eight weeks”. It took nine years.Eradication
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Police Force decided to establish a joint task force of officers to begin an eradication program on a "search and destroy" basis. At first, the plants were pulled by hand and then burned. With the reappearance of the freely seeding
cannabis in 1964, hand pulling was no longer a viable option on its own.Herbicide control was then introduced on an "ad hoc" basis during the mid-summer months. At the height of the infestation, cannabis covered some thirty square kilometres of the Hunter Valley along 63kilometre s of the Hunter River downstream from Singleton. Infestations ranged from small clumps of plants, to dense fields of cannabis ranging in size of up to eight hectares.In April and May of each year of the infestation, small but determined bands of devotees of marijuana evaded detection by police and land owners as they harvested the flowering tops of the plants. Much of the resulting cannabis head was then transported to
Sydney , where it was dried and cured and illegally distributed.Eventually, it was decided to use various commercially available preparations of the powerful, but highly toxic, herbicide
2,4-D to control the outbreak. Officers usingknapsack sprays were deployed to deal with smaller infestations, while large areas of cannabis were sprayed with2,4-D from smallcrop dusting aircraft. By 1971, only a small number of plants were found by the regular summer patrols of field officers, that could easily be pulled by hand. The eradication of the infestation was finally declared successful in 1972.The cause of the infestation has never been positively identified. One theory suggests that the cause was the sluicing of waste products from chicken farms in the area which were using imported chicken feed containing a small proportion of cannabis seed which was then washed into the Hunter River and its tributaries. Another theory suggests that some seed was deliberately planted by
United States Military personnel who were stationed at the SingletonAustralian Army Base.External links
http://www.unodc.org/unodc/bulletin/bulletin_1973-01-01_3_page006.html?print=yes Dead link|date=August 2008
* http://eprints.qut.edu.au/archive/00003442/01/3442.pdf
* http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=CASA3
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