- 610s BC
Events and trends
619 BC — Alyattes becomes king ofLydia .
*619 BC — Death ofZhou xiang wang , King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*618 BC —Zhou qing wang becomes King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*616 BC —Lucius Tarquinius Priscus becomes the fifth King ofRome .
*615 BC —Neo-Babylonian kingdom begin attackingAssyria n cities.
*614 BC — Sack ofAssur by theMedes andBabylonians .
*613 BC — Death ofZhou qing wang , King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*613 BC —King Zhuang of Chu ascends to the throne of Chu in China
*612 BC —Zhou kuang wang becomes King of theZhou Dynasty ofChina .
*612 BC — An alliance ofMedes ,Scythians ,Neo-Babylonian s and Susianians besiege and conquerNineveh at "the Battle of Nineveh". KingSin-shar-ishkun ofAssyria is killed in the sack.
*612 BC —Ashur-uballit II attempts to keep theAssyria n empire alive by establishing himself as king atHarran .
*612 BC — Estimation:Babylon , capital ofBabylonia becomes the largest city of the world, taking the lead fromNineveh , capital ofAssyria . [http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa011201a.htm]
*612 BC — Fall of theAssyria n Empire and Rise of theNeo-Babylonian Empire .
*610 BC —Necho II succeedsPsammetichus I as king of Egypt.
*610 BC — Foundation ofNaucratis ignificant people
610 BC — Birth ofAnaximander , Greekphilosopher (approximate date)
* 610 BC — Death ofPsammetichus I , king of Egypt
* 612 BC — Death of KingSin-shar-ishkun ofAssyria
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