Theatre L'homme Dieu

Theatre L'homme Dieu

Theatre L'Homme Dieu is located on Lake L'Homme Dieu in the lakes resort area of Alexandria, Minnesota.

It is a non-profit professional summer stock theatre operated since 1961 by St. Cloud State University in partnership with a group of Alexandria citizens. The two central elements of its mission are to produce excellent professional theatre, and to provide its student residents with a valuable and enjoyable educational experience. The theatre produces a ten-week season of plays and musicals each summer, employing professional actors, directors and designers drawn primarily from the Twin Cities theatre community. In addition, the theatre employs a resident intern company of approximately twenty student apprentices, most of whom are theatre majors from SCSU and other midwestern universities.

Life at TLHD


Students have significant performance opportunities at Theatre L'Homme Dieu.A number of major roles in the season's four shows (usually three musicals and a straight play) are given to student actors. Students also make up the entire cast of the touring children's theatre production, which is performed throughout the summer at local festivals. As well, regular cabaret evenings at the nearby Interlachen Inn, where students try out their musical and comedic cabaret skills.


Students at Theatre L'Homme Dieu gain broad experience in all aspects of theatre. They work onstage with the best professional actors and directors from the remarkable Minneapolis-St.Paul theatre community; learn stage carpentry, scene painting, lighting, sound, properties, and costume construction from our professional design staff; and assist in such areas as stage, house and box office management.

Students at Theatre L'Homme Dieu receive a stipend of $1,500 ($150 weekly) for the ten-week season, plus room and board. They live in two-person rooms in two large student cabins; meals, prepared by our resident chef, are served in the main Lodge.

Bond and Play

Members of L'Homme Dieu's student company work hard, but they find friendships and fun are an equally important part of the summer. The theatre is located on Lake L'Homme Dieu, and the beach and swimming dock are always available. Evenings, the campfires outside the student cabins burn into the night and the Lodge is headquarters for card games and midnight snacksexcept on those evenings when the group heads for the local karaoke bar.

Employment and Auditions

Auditions for members of the resident student intern company are held at the American College Theatre Festival, central region, each January, as well as at the University of Minnesota and St. Cloud State University. Students who will attend ACTF should register for the Summer Stock auditions.

Professional roles in TLHD productions are generally cast by the individual directors.


[ Life at TLHD] [ Employment at TLHD] [ St. Cloud State University: Theatre]

External links

* [ Theatre L'homme Dieu]
* [ St. Cloud State University: Theatre, Film Studies & Dance]
* [ Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce]

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