

A "Ploye" is a pancake type mix of buckwheat flour and water which is extremely popular in the Saint John Valley region of New Brunswick and northern Maine.

Much like grits, or potatoes, "Ploye" was originally a simple carbohydrate filler food for the local population. It was very cheap, easy to make, and with local toppings, such as maple syrup or cretons, could vary in taste. Over time however it simply became a traditional dish.

The recipe varies from family to family and is handed down through the generations. It sometimes includes a little vinegar to keep the resulting cakes from turning red.

A "Ploye", contrary to a pancake, is only cooked on one side. Once cooked, it is buttered, and covered in either maple butter, brown sugar, or cretons. It is then rolled or folded up and eaten. It is also served with the local traditional chicken stew called frico, which more closely resembles chicken soup with dumplings.

The "Ploye" is often served at local events and fairs. see: Foire Brayonne

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