Limbo (dance)

Limbo (dance)

Limbo is a dance that originated on the island of Trinidad, though Hawaii is often mistakenly associated with limbo. The dancer moves to a Caribbean rhythm, then leans backward and dances under a horizontal stick without touching it. Upon touching it or falling backwards, the dancer is "out". When several dancers compete, they travel in single file, and the stick is gradually lowered until only one dancerwho has not touched either the stick or the floorremains.

In recent years, limbo dancing has been conducted as a social "icebreaker" game for tourists at Caribbean and other tropical resorts. The winning dancer often receives a prize.

The name comes directly from the Trinidad dialect of English; Merriam-Webster [] (see definition #2) lists the etymology as "English of Trinidad & Barbados; akin to Jamaican English "limba" to bend, from English "limber".

The history of "limbo"

The word 'limbo' as used to denote a form of dance only dates back to the 1950s. Limbo is a West Indian English derivative of 'limber'. Limber is a sixteenth century word used in the dialectical sense to refer to a cart shaft, alluding to its to and fro motion. "Consistent with certain African beliefs, the dance reflects the whole cycle of life"Stanley-Niaah, Sonjah. "Mapping of Black Atlantic Performance Geographies: From Slave Ship to Ghetto." In Black Geographies and the Politics of Place, ed. by Katherine McKittrick and Clyde Woods, 193-217. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2007.] . "The dancers move under a pole that is gradually lowered from chest level, and they emerge on the other side, as their heads clear the pole, as in the triumph of life over death". This dance is also used as a funeral dance and may be related to the African legba or legua dance Fact|date=March 2008.

Pop culture

The animated series "Futurama" (set in the 31st century) humorously predicts that limbo will eventually become an Olympic event. One of its key characters, Hermes Conrad, has experience competing at this level as a representative of Earth.

In the pilot of the animated series "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy", the Grim Reaper challenges Billy and Mandy to a game of limbo with the soul of Billy's pet hamster on the line. Not surprisingly, the game is actually played inside of Limbo.

According to the December 2007 issue of the Trinidad and Tobago times, Trinidadian and keen limbo enthusiast, Aneil Ramroop won the award for the lowest limbo, whilst keeping a football in the air. Fact|date=December 2007.

Chubby Checker released the song "Limbo Rock" in 1962.


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