Moses Annenberg

Moses Annenberg

Moses "Moe" Louis Annenberg (February 11, 1877July 20, 1942) was an American newspaper publisher, who purchased The Philadelphia Inquirer, the third-oldest surviving daily newspaper in the United States.[1] in 1936. The Inquirer has the sixteenth largest average weekday U.S. newspaper circulation, and has won eighteen Pulitzer Prizes.[2]

Annenberg began his career as a Chicago newspaper salesman for the Hearst Corporation. He eventually built a fortune and the successful publishing company that became Triangle Publications, Inc. During the Roosevelt administration, he was indicted for tax evasion and, after pleading guilty, was sentenced to three years. In 1942, shortly after being released, Annenberg died at age 65.

Several sources have documented his links to organized crime, such as his involvement in Chicago's "Circulation Wars" and his later ownership of the National Racing Wire, though it is widely under reported.[3][4][5]

He and his wife, Sadie, were the parents of the publisher and philanthropist, Walter Annenberg, who inherited his father's business and went on to found Triangle Publications and later the Annenberg Foundation. Since its founding the Annenberg Foundation has awarded over 5,200 grants, which total in excess of $2.8 billion. [6] The Annenberg Foundation has major programs in education, youth development, arts, culture, humanities, civic, community, health and human services, animal services as well as the environment.[7]


See also


  1. ^ Wilkinson, Gerry. "The History of the Philadelphia Inquirer". Philadelphia Press Association. Retrieved 2006-05-27. 
  2. ^ "Top 100 Newspapers US Daily Newspapers" (PDF). Audit Bureau of Circulations. Retrieved 2008-05-20. 
  3. ^ The History of the Mafia in the US, 2006
  4. ^ The Art of the Steal, 2009
  5. ^ J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and His Secrets, 2001.
  6. ^ "Creating Opportunities" (PDF). May 2005. 
  7. ^

Further reading

External links