Meijer G-Function

Meijer G-Function

The G-function was defined for the first time by the Dutch mathematician Cornelis Simon Meijer (1904-1974) in 1936 as an attempt to introduce a very general function that includes most of the known special functions as particular cases. This was not the only attempt: the hypergeometric function and MacRobert E-function had the same aim, but Meijer's G-function was able to include those as a particular case as well. The first definition was made by Meijer using a series; nowadays the accepted and more general definition is via an integral on the complex plane, introduced firstly by Erdélyi in 1953. With the current definition, it is possible to express most of the special functions in terms of the G-function and of the Gamma function.

A still more general function, which introduces additional parameters into Meijer's G-function is Fox's H-function.


In general the G-function is defined with the following integral on the complex plane:

:G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1, dots, a_p \ b_1, dots, b_q end{matrix}; ight| ; z ight) = frac{1}{2 pi i} int_L frac{prod_{j=1}^m Gamma(b_j - s) prod_{j=1}^{n}Gamma(1 - a_j +s)}{prod_{j=m+1}^{q} Gamma(1 - b_j + s) prod_{j=n+1}^{p}Gamma(a_j - s)} z^s ds.

The function is defined under the following hypothesis:
* 0 leq m leq q, 0 leq n leq p and p leq q-1
* z eq 0
* no couple of b_k, (k = 1,2,dots,m) differs by an integer or a zero
* the parameters a_h and b_h are so that no pole of Gamma (b_j - s), j = 1,2,dots,m coincide with any pole of Gamma (1 - a_k + s), k = 1,2,dots,n
* a_j - b_k eq 1,2,3,dots for j = 1,2,dots,n and k = 1,2,dots,m
* if p = q, then the definition makes sense only for |z|<1

The G-function is an analytic function of "z" with a discontinuity in the origin. It is common to use the following more synthetic notation using vectors:

:G_{p,q}^{m,n} left(left. egin{matrix} a_1, dots, a_p \ b_1, dots, b_q end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) =G_{p,q}^{m,n} left(left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight)

the "L" in the integral represents the path to follow while integrating. There are three possible paths:

:1. "L" goes from - i infty to + i infty so that all poles of Gamma (b_j - s), j = 1,2,dots,m are on the right of the path, while all poles of Gamma (1 - a_k + s), k = 1,2,dots,n are on the left of the path. So that the integral converges, it is necessary that delta = m + n - frac{1}{2} (p+q)> 0, | arg z | < delta pi. Defining::: u = sum_{j = 1}^{q} b_j - sum_{j = 1}^{p} a_j:when | arg z | = delta pi, delta geq 0:
* when p = q, the integral converges if mbox{Re }{ u} < -1
* when p eq q, expressing s = sigma + i au, where sigma and au are real, the integral converges if, when au o infty, the following relationship is true:::(q - p) sigma > mbox{Re }{ u} + 1 - frac{1}{2}:2. "L" is a loop beginning and ending at +infty, encircling all poles of Gamma (b_j - s), j = 1,2,dots,m only once in the negative direction, but not encircling any pole of Gamma (1 - a_k + s), k = 1,2,dots,n. The integral converges if q geq 1 and p leq q; in the particular case of p = q it must be |z|<1.:3. "L" is a loop beginning and ending at -infty and encircling all poles of Gamma (1 - a_k + s), k = 1,2,dots,n, once in the positive direction, but not encircling any pole of Gamma (b_j - s), j = 1,2,dots,m. The integral converges if p geq 1 and p geq q; in the particular case of p = q it must be |z|>1.

It is possible to show that, if the integral converges for more than one of these three paths, then the result is the same. If the integral converges for only one path, then that is the only one to be considered.

If the integral converges if calculated along the second path, then the G-function can be expressed as a sum of residues, also using the Generalized hypergeometric function:

:G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) = sum_{h=1}^{m} frac{prod_{j=1}^m Gamma(b_j - b_h)^* prod_{j=1}^{n}Gamma(1+b_h -a_j)z^{b_h{prod_{j=m+1}^{q} Gamma(1+b_h - b_j) prod_{j=n+1}^{p}Gamma(a_j - b_h)} imes ;_{p}F_{q-1} left( left. egin{matrix} 1+b_h - mathbf{a_p} \ (1+b_h - mathbf{b_q})^* end{matrix} ; ight| ; (-1)^{p-m-n}z ight).

This relationship is valid only when the integral converges among the second path, i.e. when p < q, or when p = q and |z|<1. The asterisks have a particular meaning. In the product it reminds to ignore the case b_j = b_h, replacing Gamma(0) with 1. In the other case, in the argument of the hypergeometric function, remembering the meaning of the vector notation:

:1 + b_h - mathbf{b_q} = (1 + b_h - b_1) cdots (1 + b_h - b_i) cdots (1 + b_h - b_q)

the asterisk reminds to ignore the case b_i = b_h, shortening the vector length from q to q-1.

When m = 0, the second path does not contain any pole, so the value of the integral is always zero:

:G_{p,q}^{0,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) = 0; quad p leq q.

From these considerations we can understand how the G-function is a further generalization of the generalized hypergeometric function. The G-function is defined for any value of "p" and "q", but in the particular case when the integral is defined among the second path, then the G-function can be expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function. In other terms, introducing the G-function we can find a solutions for the differential equation of the hypergeometric function for p > q + 1 as well.

The differential equation of the G-function

The G-function is the solution of the following differential equation:

:left [ (-1)^{m + n - p} z prod_{j = 1}^{p} left( z frac{d}{dz} - a_j + 1 ight) - prod_{i = 1}^{q} left( z frac{d}{dz} - b_i ight) ight] U(z) = 0.

The order of the equation is max (p,q).

Analytic continuation of the G-function

The following property of the G-function is called "analytic continuation", it is possible to show that from the definition:

: G_{p,q}^{m,n} left(left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) = G_{q,p}^{n,m} left( left. egin{matrix} 1-mathbf{b_q} \ 1-mathbf{a_p} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{1}{z} ight)

This property is really important: using it we can transform a G-function with p>q in another one with p (or viceversa). In other terms, we can always use the expression of the G-function in terms of the hypergeometric function (that is valid only when the integral converges on the second path) because, if p>q we can convert it to another one with p using this property. In the particular case of p = q, the property is still valid provided that |z| < 1.

Relationship between G-function and hypergeometric function

The hypergeometric function can always be expressed in terms of the G-function:

:;_{p}F_{q} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight)= frac{Gamma(mathbf{a_p})}{Gamma(mathbf{b_q})}G_{p,q+1}^{1,p} left(left. egin{matrix} 1-mathbf{a_p} \ 0,1 - mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; -z ight)

where we have used the vector notation:

:Gamma(mathbf{a_p}) = prod_{j = 1}^{p} Gamma(a_j)

using the "analytic continuation" property, it is possible to express it in a sightly different form:

:;_{p}F_{q} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) = frac{Gamma(mathbf{a_p})}{Gamma(mathbf{b_q})}G_{q+1,p}^{p,1} left(left. egin{matrix} 1,mathbf{b_q} \ mathbf{a_p} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{-1}{z} ight)

both relationships are valid if ;_p F_q (cdot) is defined, i. e. p leq q or p = q+1 with 0<|z|<1.

Elementary properties of the G-function

As is clear from the definition, the factors mathbf{a_p} and mathbf{b_q} are on the numerator and on the denominator of a fraction; that is why, if there are equal parameters, it is possible to simplify them, thus reducing the order of the function.Whether it will be "m" or "n" to decrease, this depends of the position of a factor compared to the other. As an example, if one of a_h, h = 1,2,dots, n equals one of b_j, j = m+1,dots, q, the G-function lowers its order:

:G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1, dots,a_p \ b_1,dots,b_{q-1},a_1 end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) =G_{p-1,q-1}^{m,n-1} left( left. egin{matrix} a_2, dots,a_p \ b_1,dots,b_{q-1} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight), quad n,p,q geq 1

For the same reason, if one of a_h, h = n+1,dots, p equals one of b_j, j = 1,2,dots, m, then:

:G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1, dots,a_{p-1},b_1 \ b_1,b_2,dots,b_q end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) =G_{p-1,q-1}^{m-1,n} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1, dots,a_{p-1} \ b_2,dots,b_q end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight), quad m,p,q geq 1

Moreover, starting from the definition, it is possible to prove the following relationships:

:z^{alpha} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) =G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} + alpha \ mathbf{b_q} + alpha end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight)

:G_{p+1,q+1}^{m,n+1} left( left. egin{matrix} a, mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q}, b end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) =(-1)^{a-b} G_{p+1,q+1}^{m+1,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p},a \ b,mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight),quad q geq m, ; a-b mbox{ integer or zero}

About derivatives, there are the following relationships:

:frac{d}{dz} left [ z^{-b_1} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) ight] =- z^{-1-b_1} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ b_1 + 1, b_2, dots, b_q end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight), quad m geq 1

:frac{d}{dz} left [ z^{-b_q} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) ight] =z^{-1-b_q} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ b_1, dots, b_{q-1}, b_q + 1 end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight), quad m < q

:frac{d}{dz} left [ z^{1-a_1} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) ight] =z^{-a_1} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1 - 1, a_2, dots, a_p \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight), quad n geq 1

:frac{d}{dz} left [ z^{1 -a_p} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) ight] =- z^{- a_p} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1 , dots, a_{p-1}, a_p - 1 \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight),quad n < p

From these four properties, it is possible to deduce others simply calculating the derivative on the left of the equal and manipulating a bit. For example:

:z frac{d}{dz} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) =G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1 -1, a_2,dots,a_p \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) + (a_1 - 1) G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight), quad n geq 1


:z^k frac{d^k}{dz^k} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight) =G_{p+1,q+1}^{m,n+1} left( left. egin{matrix} 0, mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q},k end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight)

:z^k frac{d^k}{dz^k} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{1}{z} ight) =(-1)^k G_{p+1,q+1}^{m,n+1} left( left. egin{matrix} 1-k, mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q},1 end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{1}{z} ight)

Several properties of the hypergeometric function and of other special functions can be deduced from these relationships.

Multiplication theorem

Provided that z eq 0, and that "m", "n", "p" and "q" are integer with:q geq 1, qquad0 leq n leq p leq q, qquad0 leq m leq qthe following relationship is valid::G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; w z ight) =sum_{k=0}^{infty} frac{(w - 1)^k}{k!} G_{p +1,q +1}^{m,n + 1} left( left. egin{matrix} 0, mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q},k end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight)

It is possible to prove this using the elementary properties discussed above. This theorem is the generalization of similar theorems for Bessel and hypergeometric functions.

Integrals involving G-function

There is the following relationship for integrating the G-function:

:int_0^{infty} z^{s - 1} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; eta z ight) dz =frac{eta^{-s} prod_{j = 1}^{m} Gamma (b_j + s) prod_{j = 1}^{n} Gamma (1 - a_j - s)}{ prod_{j = m + 1}^{q} Gamma (1 - b_j - s) prod_{j = n + 1}^{p} Gamma (a_j + s)}

This relationship is valid provided that p leq q; if p > q we can use the "analytic continuation" property:

:int_0^{infty} z^{s - 1} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; eta z ight) dz =int_0^{infty} z^{s - 1} G_{q,p}^{n,m} left( left. egin{matrix} 1 - mathbf{b_q} \ 1 - mathbf{a_p} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{1}{eta z} ight) dz = : = int_0^{infty} x^{-s - 1} G_{q,p}^{n,m} left( left. egin{matrix} 1 - mathbf{b_q} \ 1 - mathbf{a_p} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{x}{eta} ight) dx

It is possible to represent the integral of a product of two G-functions with just one function:

:int_0^{infty} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; eta x ight)G_{sigma, au}^{mu, u} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{c_{sigma \ mathbf{d_ au} end{matrix} ; ight| ; omega x ight) dx = := frac{1}{eta} G_{q + sigma, p + au}^{n + mu,m + u} left( left. egin{matrix} - b_1, dots, - b_m, mathbf{c_{sigma, - b_{m+1}, dots, - b_q \ - a_1, dots, -a_n, mathbf{d_ au} , - a_{n+1}, dots, - a_p end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{omega}{eta} ight) =: = frac{1}{omega} G_{p + au , q + sigma}^{m + u, n + mu} left( left. egin{matrix} a_1, dots, a_n, -mathbf{d_ au} , a_{n+1}, dots, a_p \ b_1, dots, b_m, -mathbf{c_{sigma, b_{m+1}, dots, b_q end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{eta}{omega} ight)

Laplace transform

Using the previous relationships it is possible to prove that:

:int_0^{infty} e^{- omega y} y^{- alpha} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z y ight) dy =omega^{alpha - 1} G_{p + 1,q}^{m,n+1} left( left. egin{matrix} alpha, mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{z}{omega} ight)

if we put alpha = 0 we get the Laplace transform of the G-function, so we can view this relationship as a generalized Laplace transform. The inverse is given by:

:G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{y}{omega} ight)z^{- alpha} G_{p,q+1}^{m,n+1} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q}, alpha end{matrix} ; ight| ; z y ight) = frac{1}{2 pi i} int_{c - i infty}^{c + i infty} e^{omega z} omega^{alpha - 1} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{y}{omega} ight) domega

where "c" is a real positive constant, "z" is real and z,y eq 0.

This is another Laplace transform involving the G-function:

:int_{0}^{infty} e^{- eta x} G_{p,q}^{m,n} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; alpha x^2 ight) =frac{sqrt{pi{eta} G_{p+2,q}^{m,n+2} left( left. egin{matrix} 0,frac{1}{2},mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{4 alpha}{eta^2} ight)

Integral transforms using the G-function

In general, two functions k(z,y) and h(z,y) are called "transform kernels" if, for any two functions f(z) and g(z), these two relationships:

:g(z) = int_{0}^{infty} k(z,y) f(y) dy, :f(z) = int_{0}^{infty} h(z,y) g(y) dy

are both verified at the same time. The two kernels are said to be "symmetric" if k(z,y) = h(z,y).

Narain transform

Narain (1962, 1963) showed that the functions:

:k(z,y) = 2 gamma z^{ u - 1/2} G_{p+q,m+n}^{m,p} left( left. egin{matrix} mathbf{a_p},mathbf{b_q} \ mathbf{c_m}, mathbf{d_n} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z^{2 gamma} ight)

:h(z,y) = 2 gamma z^{ u - 1/2} G_{p+q,m+n}^{n,q} left( left. egin{matrix} -mathbf{b_q},-mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{d_n}, mathbf{c_m} end{matrix} ; ight| ; z^{2 gamma} ight)

are two asymmetric kernels. In particular, if p = q, m = n, a_j + b_j = 0 for j = 1, 2, dots, p and b_h + d_h = 0 for h = 1, 2, dots, m, then the two kernels become symmetric.

Wimp transform

Wimp (1964) showed that these two functions are asymmetric transform kernels:

:k(z,y) = G_{p+2,q}^{m,n+2} left( left. egin{matrix} 1 - u + i z, 1 - u - i z, mathbf{a_p} \ mathbf{b_q} end{matrix} ; ight| ; y ight)

:h(z,y) = frac{i}{pi} y e^{- u pi i} left [ e^{pi y} A( u + i y, u - i y|z e^{i pi} ) - e^{- pi y} A( u - i y, u + i y | z e^{i pi} ) ight]

where the function A(cdot) is defined as:

:A(alpha, eta|z) = G_{p+2,q}^{q-m,p-n+1} left( left. egin{matrix} -a_{n+1}, -a_{n+2}, dots, -a_p, alpha, -a_1, -a_2, dots, -a_n, eta \ -b_{m+1}, -b_{m+2}, dots, -b_p, -b_1, -b_2, dots, -b_m end{matrix} ; ight| ; z ight)

Relationship between the G-function and other elementary functions

The following list shows how it is possible to express several functions in terms of the G-function:

: e^x = G_{0,1}^{1,0} left( left. egin{matrix} - \ 0 end{matrix} ; ight| ; -x ight) , qquad forall x : cos x = sqrt{pi} G_{0,2}^{1,0} left( left. egin{matrix} - \ 0,frac{1}{2} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{x^2}{4} ight) , qquad forall x : sin x = sqrt{pi} G_{0,2}^{1,0} left( left. egin{matrix} - \ frac{1}{2},0 end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{x^2}{4} ight) , qquad x geq 0 : cosh x = sqrt{pi} G_{0,2}^{1,0} left( left. egin{matrix} - \ 0,frac{1}{2} end{matrix} ; ight| ; -frac{x^2}{4} ight) , qquad forall x : sinh x = -sqrt{pi}i G_{0,2}^{1,0} left( left. egin{matrix} - \ frac{1}{2},0 end{matrix} ; ight| ; -frac{x^2}{4} ight) , qquad x geq 0 : arcsin x = frac{-i}{2sqrt{pi G_{2,2}^{1,2} left( left. egin{matrix} 1,1 \ frac{1}{2},0 end{matrix} ; ight| ; -x^2 ight) , qquad x geq 0 : arctan x = frac{1}{2} G_{2,2}^{1,2} left( left. egin{matrix} 1,frac{1}{2} \ frac{1}{2},0 end{matrix} ; ight| ; x^2 ight) , qquad x geq 0 : ln (1+x) = G_{2,2}^{1,2} left( left. egin{matrix} 1,1 \ 1,0 end{matrix} ; ight| ; x ight) , qquad forall x : J_alpha (x) = G_{0,2}^{1,0} left( left. egin{matrix} - \ frac{alpha}{2}, frac{-alpha}{2} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{x^2}{4} ight) , qquad x geq 0 : Y_alpha (x) = G_{1,3}^{2,0} left( left. egin{matrix} frac{- alpha - 1}{2} \ frac{alpha}{2}, frac{-alpha}{2}, frac{- alpha - 1}{2} end{matrix} ; ight| ; frac{x^2}{4} ight) , qquad x geq 0

The last two functions are the Bessel functions of the first and second kind.


*C. S. Meijer, "Über Whittakersche bezw. Besselsche Funktionen und deren Produkte", "Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde", 18, No 4 (1936), pp. 10-39.
*cite book
author=Luke, Y. L.
title=The Special Functions and Their Approximations, Volume I
publisher=New York: Academic Press

*cite book
author=Andrews, L. C.
title=Special Functions for Engineers and Applied Mathematicians
publisher=New York: MacMillan

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  • G-функция — название нескольких функций в математике: G функция Барнса (Barnes G function) связана с гамма функцией, расширяет понятие cуперфакториала на поле комплексных чисел. G функция Зигеля (Siegel G function) класс функций в теории трансцендентности. G …   Википедия

  • List of mathematical functions — In mathematics, several functions or groups of functions are important enough to deserve their own names. This is a listing of pointers to those articles which explain these functions in more detail. There is a large theory of special functions… …   Wikipedia

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