- Proper palmar digital arteries
Infobox Artery
Latin = arteriae digitales palmares propriae
GraySubject = 152
GrayPage = 598
Caption = Palm of left hand, showing position of skin creases and bones, and surface markings for the volar arches. Only theproximal origin parts of the "proper palmar digital arteries" are shown.
Caption2 =
BranchFrom =common palmar digital arteries
BranchTo =
Vein =palmar digital veins
Supplies =finger s
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = a_61
DorlandsSuf = 12154137
The proper palmar digital arteries travel along the sides of thephalanges (along the contiguous sides of the index, middle, ring, and littlefinger s), each artery lying just below (dorsal to) its correspondingdigital nerve .Alternative names for these arteries are: [ [http://focosi.immunesig.org/circulation.html Physiology of adult Homo sapiens - Systemic blood and lymph circulation (angiology) ] ] proper volar digital arteries ["Palmar" and "volar" may be used
synonym ously, but "volar" is less common.] , collateral digital arteries [Thus called because they run alongside ( to) the finger bones.] , arteriae digitales palmares propriae [This is the official and internationalLatin term as defined by theTerminologia Anatomica (TA), but in English speaking countries and especially the US, "proper palmar digital arteries" is more commonly used.] , or aa. digitales volares propriae. [Again, "palmar" and "volar" may be used synonymously, but "aa. digitales volares propriae" does not occur in the TA, and can therefore be considered deprecated.]They anastomose freely in the
subcutaneous tissue of the finger tips and by smaller branches near the interphalangeal joints.Each also gives off a couple of dorsal branches which anastomose with the
dorsal digital arteries , and supply the soft parts on the back of the second and thirdphalanges , including the matrix of thefingernail .The proper palmar digital artery for the medial side of the
little finger arises directly from theulnar artery deep to thepalmaris brevis muscle, but the rest arise from thecommon palmar digital arteries .ee also
Superficial palmar arch
*Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve Footnotes and references
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.