- Gonabad
Gonabad or (Gulnabad) ( [http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/%DA%AF%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AF گناباد] in Persian), not to be confused with
Gonbad-e Qabus , is a city and sub-province in the province ofRazavi Khorasan ,Iran .It is mostly well-known because of the Gonabadi
Dervish es and for itsqanat s, also known as kareez. It is one of the most important producers ofsaffron in Iran.The main towns in the Gonabad sub-province are
Bajestan ,Kakhk ,Beedoukht , and the main villages areZeebad (Zeabad),Kalat ,Seno ,Belond , andDesfan . The famous ancient war of 12 rokh had happened between Iran andTuran (west China) in this city on the castle ofZeebad .The city contains the cemetery for the Nematollahi Gonabadi dervish order. [ [http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2006/10/81c671ea-c25a-46db-ab07-328838f1ad99.html Esfandiari, Golnaz (12 October 2006) "Iran: Local Authorities Try To Evict Sufi Leader" "Radio Free Europe"] ]
External links
[http://www.Gonabadtimes.ir Gonabadtimes شبکه خبری تحلیلی شهرستان گناباد]
[http://www.GonabadExpert.Com Gonabad Expert مرجع متخصصین شهرستان گناباد ]
[http://www.gonabadnews.com gonabad news agency پایگاه خبری شهرستان گناباد ]
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