

Homokaasu (Finnish name, literally "gay gas") is a fictitious poisonous chemical substance, that is supposedly an odorless and invisible gas at room temperature. It originates in a story and a conspiracy theory apparently created by a single Finnish man, and is often the subject of running gags on Finnish Usenet newsgroups.

Conspiracy theory

"Homokaasu" is supposedly used on specific people by secret agents of the Roman Catholic Church to gain a subliminal control of the victims. The substance is usually leaked into rooms and areas in which the victim spends time – the home, workplace and psychiatric wards, for example. It also may be mixed in foodstuffs and beverages to the same effect.

The concept of "homokaasu" was introduced to the public in a series of crank pamphlets distributed in Helsinki, Copenhagen and Los Angeles in the 1980s. The reports themselves claim to have been written and distributed by an alleged victim of the supposed operation. The reports contemplate the motives, mentioning that the Roman Catholic Church might be attempting to convert the victims to homosexuality.


Regular exposure supposedly makes social interaction difficult for the victim. Regular exposure also has various health-related effects on the victim, such as deterioration of eye-sight and hearing, diarrhoea and aches in various parts of the body. These symptoms supposedly disappear soon after the exposure has been discontinued.

In addition to the symptoms above, the victim is supposedly harassed in various ways. They experience for example constant re-occurrence of accidents and near-misses, and abnormal sexually charged encounters of various degrees.

The name "(gay-gas)" originates from the suppression of social interaction and the abnormal sexual encounters arranged in the operation.

Cultural impact

"Homokaasu" is a widespread in-joke among Finnish net-users, and is the origin of the name of the Finland-based web community called "The Sect of Homokaasu". Moreover, there are recurring references to it on the web pages of known Finnish Internet personalities, notably Niilo Paasivirta.

The story itself was created by an obviously paranoid person spreading tracts about "homokaasu". Nevertheless, it is widely perceived as both hilarious and bizarrely original, and it has persisted in Finnish Internet folklore.

Coincidentally, a Gay bomb conceptually reminiscent of "homokaasu" has also been investigated by the US military.

See also

* Gay bomb
* James Tilly Matthews
* Mind control
* Tin-foil hat

* Chemtrail theory

External links

* [http://homokaasu.org/ The Sect of Homokaasu] is a popular Finnish website and online community built around the purported purpose of spreading the word about the threat of "homokaasu". Some of the website content is "homokaasu"-related, in order to justify the distinctive look and feel of the website.
* [http://homokaasu.org/pages.gas?5 Inquisition is active again, did they murder Olof Palme?] (English language translation of the original gay gas report)
** [http://homokaasu.org/pages.gas?4 Inkvisitio on toiminnassa jälleen, tappoiko se Olof Palmen?] (The original gay gas report, in Finnish)
* [http://www.sosiaalisestirajoittuneet.fi/index.php?date=20050118 Homokaasu-related comic strip] from Sosiaalisesti rajoittuneet.

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