- Louise Rosenblatt
Louise Michelle Rosenblatt (
August 23 1904 -February 8 2005 ) was an American literary critic.She is best known for her influential text "Literature as Exploration" (1938), in which she argues that the act of reading literature involves a transaction between the reader and the text, where each "transaction" is a unique experience. Her work made her a well-known
reader-response theorist.She attended
Barnard College , the women's college atColumbia University in New York City. Her roommate in college wasMargaret Mead , the anthropologist.In 1992, Louise Rosenblatt was inducted into the
International Reading Association 's Reading Hall of Fame. [Reading Hall of Fame membership, Retrieved from http://www.readinghalloffame.org/deceased.html on 11/07/2007.]Works
*"Literature as Exploration" (1938). Literature as Exploration. New York: Appleton-Century; (1968). New York: Noble and Noble; (1976). New York: Noble and Noble; (1983). New York: Modern Language Association; (1995). New York: Modern Language Association.
* "Toward a cultural approach to literature", in "College English, 7", 459-466. (1946).
* "The enriching values of reading". In W. Gray (Ed.), "Reading in an age of mass communication" (pp. 19-38). Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries. (1949).
* "The acid test in the teaching of literature". "English Journal", 45, 66-74. (1956).
* "Research development seminar in the teaching of English". New York: New York University Press. (1963).
* "The poem as event" in "College English, 26", 123-8. (1964).
* "A way of happening", in "Educational Record, 49", 339-346. (1968).
* "Towards a transactional theory of reading", in "Journal of Reading Behavior, 1(1)", 31-51. (1969)
* "Literature and the invisible reader", in "The Promise of English: NCTE 1970 distinguished lectures." Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. (1970).
* "What facts does this poem teach you?", in "Language Arts, 57", 386-94. (1980).
* "The transactional theory of the literary work: Implications for research", in Charles Cooper. (Ed.), "Researching response to literature and the teaching of literature". Norwood, NJ: Ablex. (1985).
* "Viewpoints: Transaction versus interaction — a terminological rescue operation", in "Research in the Teaching of English, 19", 96-107. (1985).
* "The aesthetic transaction", in "Journal of Aesthetic Education", 20 (4), 122-128. (1986).
* "Literary Theory", in J. Flood, J. Jensen, D. Lapp, & J. Squire (Eds.), "Handbook of research on teaching the English language arts" (pp. 57-62). New York: Macmillan. (1991).
*"The Reader, The Text, The Poem: The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work" Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Press; (1994). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Press.
*"Making Meaning with Texts: Selected Essays" (2005)
* Clifford, J. (editor) (1991), "The experience of reading: Louise Rosenblatt and reader-response theory"
External links
* [http://www.ncte.org/about/over/history/119643.htm Obituary]
* [http://www.ncte.org/elem/awards/educator/113260.htm 1999 award citation]
* [http://www.vccaedu.org/inquiry/inquiry-spring97/i11chur.html 1997 article "The Significance of Louise Rosenblatt on the Field of Teaching Literature"]
* [http://www.education.miami.edu/ep/Rosenblatt/ 1999 Interview with Louise Rosenblatt byUniversity of Miami students]
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