Sociosexual orientation

Sociosexual orientation

Sociosexual orientation in social psychology refers to individual differences in the tendency to prefer either unrestricted sex (without the necessity of love) or restricted sex (only in the context of a long term loving relationship). Fact|date=February 2007

Note that an 'unrestricted' sexual strategy is not equated to promiscuity: "unrestricted people, although more willing to engage in sex without love and commitment, still prefer being involved in stable, serially monogamous relationships (unlike promiscuous people)" (Simpson, Wilson & Winterheld, 2004)

ex Differences

While generally, males show a more unrestricted strategy relative to females, substantial overlap exists between the sexes. For example, approximately 30% of men are "less" willing to engage in casual sex than the median score of female populations Fact|date=March 2008.

That the difference within sexes is greater than that between the sexes has led to substantial debate, and extensive theorising regarding the causes of such differences.

ee also

* human sexuality
* sexual orientation
* monogamy

Further reading

* Schmitt, D.P. (2005). Sociosexuality from Argentina to Zimbabwe: A 48-nation study of sex, culture, and strategies of human mating. "Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28," 247-311. [ Full text]

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