- Ramkbach
:"See related articles
ramvong ,Jamrieng samai ,kantrum ,pinpeat orchestra , andmusic of Cambodia ."Ramkbach or Ram Kbach is a genre ofCambodia npop music and a popular Khmer dance style. Ram Kbach has a slower emotional melody similar to Thai music [http://huqin.en.wmix.org/en/Music%20of%20Cambodia Music of Cambodia wmix.org] ] , whereas theJamrieng samai music category oframvong has a faster tune. [{http://www.leisurecambodia.com/Leisure_Cambodia/No.18/Popular%20khmer_dances.html Popular Khmer Dances] ] The two main cultural dance styles of Cambodia are theRamvong and Ram Kbach, however the Lamliev and Saravan dance styles are also popular. [ [http://www.khmerdynasty.com/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=3884.html Khmer Dynasty | KD Forums | Entertainment | Dedication | Learn How To Dance Khmer Here...!!!] ] They have their roots in ancient cultural traditions.External links
* [http://www.farsidemusic.com/acatalog/Modern_Khmer_Roots.html FAR SIDE MUSIC LTD. Modern Khmer Roots]
ee also
Khmer classical dance
*Dance of Cambodia
*Culture of Cambodia
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