Rukai — ISO 639 3 Code : dru ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
Siraya language — Siraya Spoken in Taiwan Region Southwestern, around present day Tainan, from Peimen to Hengchun to Tapu. Coordinates … Wikipedia
Nataoran language — Nataoran Spoken in Taiwan Ethnicity Ami, Sakizaya Native speakers 5 (2000) Language family Austronesian … Wikipedia
Formosan languages — Infobox Language family name = Formosan region = Taiwan familycolor = Austronesian family = Austronesian child1 = Tsouic child2 = Western Plains child3 = Northwest Formosan child4 = Atayalic child5 = East Formosan child6 = Bunun child7 = Rukai… … Wikipedia
Formisianische Sprachen — Formosianische Sprachen Gesprochen in Taiwan Linguistische Klassifikation Austronesische Sprachen Formisianische Sprachen Sprachcodes ISO 639 1: fox Die Formosianischen Sprachen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Formosianische Sprachen — Gesprochen in Taiwan Linguistische Klassifikation Austronesische Sprachen Formosianische Sprachen Sprachcodes IS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Languages of Taiwan — A large majority of people on Taiwan speak Standard Mandarin, which has been the only officially sanctioned medium of instruction in the schools for more than four decades. As a result of the half century of Japanese rule, many people born before … Wikipedia
Тайваньские языки — Не следует путать с тайваньским языком одним из китайских языков сино тибетской языковой семьи. Тайваньская подсемья Таксон: подсемья (не общепризнан; возможно, территориальное, а не генетическое объединение нескольких родственных групп)… … Википедия
Demographics of Taiwan — This article is about the demographic features of the population in Taiwan, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population. The… … Wikipedia
Aborigenes de Taiwan — Aborigènes de Taïwan Aborigènes de Taïwan 臺灣原住民 Populations significatives par régions … Wikipédia en Français