Anthro — (griechisch ἄνθρωπος anthropos „Mensch“) ist der Titel einer Reihe von Comicpublikationen, die der US amerikanische Verlag DC Comics seit 1968 veröffentlicht. Die Anthro Comics handeln von den Abenteuern eines gleichnamigen Höhlenjungen, der in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
anthro- — see ANTHROPO (Cf. anthropo ) … Etymology dictionary
Anthro (comics) — Infobox superhero character name = Anthro caption=Anthro on the cover of Showcase #74. Art by Howard Post. publisher = DC Comics debut = Showcase #74 (May 1968) creators = Howard Post (writer artist) alter ego = Anthro full name = species =… … Wikipedia
anthro — noun anthropology … Wiktionary
anthro... — ◆ an|thro..., An|thro... 〈in Zus.〉 menschen..., Menschen... [zu grch. anthropos „Mensch“] ◆ Die Buchstabenfolge an|thr... kann in Fremdwörtern auch anth|r... getrennt werden … Universal-Lexikon
Anthro... — ◆ an|thro..., An|thro... 〈in Zus.〉 menschen..., Menschen... [zu grch. anthropos „Mensch“] ◆ Die Buchstabenfolge an|thr... kann in Fremdwörtern auch anth|r... getrennt werden … Universal-Lexikon
Bibliography of evolution and human behavior — In psychology there are two evolutionary perspectives of the study of the evolution of human behavior ref|aldensmith 1: evolutionary psychology (the study of the evolution of human mental and psychological traits) and human behavioral ecology… … Wikipedia
George R. Fischer — George Robert Fischer (born May 4, 1937) is an American underwater archaeologist, considered the founding father of the field in the National Park Service. A native Californian, he did undergraduate and graduate work at Stanford University, and… … Wikipedia
Settlement of the Americas — … Wikipedia
David E. Stuart — is an American anthropologist, and novelist, and Associate Provost Emeritus at University of New Mexico.[1] He graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College, with a BA in Anthropology and Sociology in 1967, and from University of New Mexico with… … Wikipedia