Bibliography of evolution and human behavior

Bibliography of evolution and human behavior

In psychology there are two evolutionary perspectives of the study of the evolution of human behavior ref|aldensmith-1: evolutionary psychology (the study of the evolution of human mental and psychological traits) and human behavioral ecology (the application of the principles of evolutionary theory and optimization to the study of human behavioral and cultural diversity). There is also a theory, the dual inheritance theory, also called "gene-culture coevolution", which theorizes that humans are products of the interaction between genetic evolution and cultural evolution. Sociobiology is the study of the evolution of human social behavior, and memetics is the study of human cultural information transfer based on the concept of the meme. ref|laland-1.

Table of contents

#Intro to evolutionary psychology
#Intro to human behavioral ecology
#Intro to dual inheritance theory/gene-culture coevolution
#Authors in alphabetical order with links to publications

:::: [ The Four Areas of Biology] :::: [ The Four Areas of Biology AND levels of inquiry]

Intro to evolutionary psychology

* Buss, D. M. (1995). Evolutionary psychology: A new paradigm for psychological science. "Psychological Inquiry, 6," 1-30. [ Full text]

* Durrant, R., & Ellis, B.J. (2003). Evolutionary Psychology. In M. Gallagher & R.J. Nelson (Eds.), "Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume Three: Biological Psychology" (pp. 1-33). New York: Wiley & Sons. ['evolutionary%20psychologypdf' Full text]

* Kennair, L. E. O. (2002). Evolutionary psychology: An emerging integrative perspective within the science and practice of psychology. "Human Nature Review, 2," 17-61. [ Full text]

* Medicus, G., (2005) [ Evolutionary Theory of Human Sciences] (Documents No. 9, 10 and 11 in English)

* Tooby, J. & Cosmides, L. (2005). Conceptual foundations of evolutionary psychology. In D. M. Buss (Ed.), "The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology" (pp. 5-67). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. [ Full text]

Intro to evolutionary developmental psychology

*Geary, D. C. (2006). [,%20proof%5D.pdf Evolutionary developmental psychology: Current status and future directions] . Developmental Review, 26.
* Geary, D.C., & Bjorklund, D.F.(2000). ['evolutionary%20developmental%20psychology' Evolutionary Developmental Psychology] ."Child Development", 71, 57-65.
* Bjorklund, D.F., & Pellegrini, A.D. (2000). ['evolutionary%20developmental%20psychology' Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology] ."Child Development", 71, 1687-1708.
* Medicus G. (1992) [' The Inapplicability of the Biogenetic Rule to Behavioral Development'] . Human Development 35, 1-8.

Intro to evolutionary educational psychology

* Geary, D. C. (2005). [ Folk knowledge and academic learning.] In B. J. Ellis & D. F. Bjorklund (Eds.), Origins of the social mind (pp. 493-519). New York: Guilford Publications.

Intro to human behavioral ecology

* Borgerhoff Mulder, M. (2003). [ Human Behavioural Ecology.] "Nature Encyclopedia of Life Sciences".

* Hames, R. (2001). ['human%20behavioral%20ecology' Human Behavioral Ecology.] In N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Pergamon, Oxford. Pp. 6946-695.

* Winterhalder, Bruce & Smith, Eric Alden (2000). [ Analysing Adaptive Strategies: Human Behavioral Ecology at Twenty-Five.] "Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews", Volume 9, Issue 2.

Intro to human ethology

* Klein, Z. (2000). The ethological approach to the study of human behavior. "Neuroendocrinology Letters, 21," 477-481. [ Full text]

Intro to dual inheritance theory/gene-culture coevolution

:"See also: List of readings on cultural evolution from an evolutionary anthropological perspective"

* R. Boyd and P. J. Richerson. [ Culture, Adaptation, and Innateness] . In: The Innate Mind: Culture and Cognition, P. Carruthers, S. Stich, & S. Laurence, eds., in press

* Henrich, J., & McElreath, R. (2003). ['dual%20inheritance%20theorypdf' The Evolution of Cultural Evolution] . "Evolutionary Anthropology", 12, 123-135.

* P. J. Richerson and R. Boyd. (2001). [,%20Not%20for%20Comfort.pdf Built for Speed, Not for Comfort: Darwinian Theory and Human Culture.] History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 23: 425–465

* Richerson, Peter J.and Boyd, Robert. (2005). [ Not By Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution] . University of Chicago Press. [ Excerpt]

* Sterelny, Kim ['dual%20inheritance%20theorypdf' Review Genes, Memes and Human History] by Stephen Shennan. London:Thames and Hudson, 2002, pp. 304

Evolutionary Psychology Research Groups and Centers

* [ The UCSB Center for Evolutionary Psychology] UCSB researchers in evolutionary psychology and allied disciplines.
* [ Individual Differences and Evolutionary Psychology Program] at the Psychology Department of the University of Texas at Austin
* [ Evolution and Human Adaptation Program] at the University of Michigan
* [ Human Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences] at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.
* [ UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture]
* [ IGERT Program in Evolutionary Modeling] , University of Washington & Washington State University
* [ Program for Evolutionary Dynamics] , Harvard University
* [ Evolutionary Anthropology Research Group] , Durham University
* [ Human Evolutionary Ecology Group] at the University College London
* [ Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology Program] at the University of Arizona, Tucson
* [ The Evolutionary Psychology Research Group] at Simon Fraser University
* [ Evolution and Behaviour Group] and [ MSc Programme] at Brunel University
* [ Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition] , Max Planck Institute
* [ Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science]
* [ Biological Anthropology Program] , UCLA
* [ Evolutionary Psychology Lab] , Florida Atlantic University
* [ The Pennsylvania Laboratory for Experimental Evolutionary Psychology] at the University of Pennsylvania
* [ Research Group on Evolution and Higher Cognition] , Rutgers University
* [ Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution] , at University College London
* [ Evolution and the Social Mind] at UCSB.
* [ Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology] , Germany
* [ Behavioural Ecology] at Simon Fraser University
* [ Behavioral Biology Laboratory] University of Chicago
* [ Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group]
* [ Evolutionary Psychology Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Canada]
* [ Evolutionary Psychology and Behavior Ecology Group] at the University of Liverpool
* [ Evolutionary World Politics] , Department of Political Science, University of Washington
* [ International Paleopsychology Project]
* [ New England Complex Systems Institute]
* [ Group on Evolutionary Archaeology and Anthropology] , University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* [ Evolusjonspsykologi og individuelle forskjeller/ Evolutionary Psychology and Individual Differences] , Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

cholars in alphabetical order with links to publications


* Richard D. Alexander, University of Michigan [ Link to Publications]
**1990. Alexander, R. D. [ How Did Humans Evolve? Reflections on the Uniquely Unique Species.] University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Special Publication 1:1-38.

* Michael S. Alvard, Anthrolopology Dept, Texas A&M University [ Link to Publications]
* Kermyt G. Anderson, University of Oklahoma [ Link to Publications]

* John Archer, Psychology Department, University of Central Lancashire, GB [ Link to Publications]

* Robert Axelrod, Political Science and Public Policy, University of Michigan [ Link to Publications]


* J. Michael Bailey, Psychology Department, Northwestern University [ Link to Publications]
* David P. Barash, Psychology Dept., University of Washington [ Link to Publications]

* Jerome H. Barkow, Dalhousie University, Dept. of Sociology and Social Anthropology [ Link to Publications]

* Clark Barrett, Anthropology Department, UCLA [ Link to Publications]
* Louise Barrett, Psychology Deptartment, University of Liverpool, UK [ Link to Publications]

* William L. Benzon, Research on cultural evolution, including cognition, music, literature [ Link to Publications]

* Ted Bergstrom, Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara [ Link to Publications]
* Robert Bettinger, Anthropology Dept, UC Davis. [ Link to Publications]

* Rebecca Bird, Anthropology Department, Stanford University [ Link to Publications]
* Tim R. Birkhead, Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield [ Link to Publications]
* David F. Bjorklund, Psychology Dept., Florida Atlantic University [ Link to Publications (pp.6-16)]

* Nicholas G. Blurton Jones, Depts. of Anthropology, Education, & Psychiatry, UCLA, [ Link to Publications]

* John Bock, Dept. of Anthropology, California State University Fullerton, [ Link to Publications]

* James L. Boone, Anthropology Department, University of New Mexico [ Link to Publications]

* Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Anthropology Dept, UC Davis. [ Link to Publications]

* Rob Boyd, Department of Anthropology, UCLA [ Link to Publications]
* Pascal Boyer, Anthropology Department, Washington University in St. Louis [ Link to Publications]
* Marc Breedlove, Psychology & Zoology Departments, Michigan State University [ Link to Publications]
* David Buss, Psych Dept, University of Texas, Austin [ Link to Publications]


* Anne Campbell, Psychology Department, University of Durham, England [ Link to Publications]

* Joseph Carroll, Department of English, University of Missouri, St. Louis [ Link to Publications]
* Elizabeth Cashdan, Anthropology Dept, University of Utah. [ Link to Publications]
* Napoleon Chagnon, Anthropology Dept, UCSB [ Link to Publications]
* Stephen Colarelli, Psychology Department, Central Michigan University [ Link to Publications]

* Leda Cosmides, Psychology Dept, UCSB [ Link to Publications]

* Charles Crawford, Psychology Dept, Simon Fraser University [ Link to Publications]

* Lee Cronk, Anthropology Dept, Rutgers University [ Link to Publications]

* Gary Cziko, Dept. of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois [ Link to Publications]


* Martin Daly, Psychology Department, McMaster University [ Link to Publications]

* Richard Dawkins. This is his unofficial home page. Information about his books and other works. [ Link to Publications]

* Frans de Waal, Emory University [ Link to Publications]

* Robin Dunbar, Psychology Department, University of Liverpool, UK [ Link to Publications]


* Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Human Ethology Group in the Max-Planck-Society [ Link to Publications]

* Bruce J. Ellis, Family Studies and Human Development, University of Arizona [ Link to Publications]

* Lee Ellis, Sociology Dept, Minot State University. [ Link to Publications]

* Harald A. Euler, Psychology Department, University of Kassel, Germany [ Link to Publications]

* Dylan Evans, University of Bath [ Link to Publications]


* Marcus W. Feldman, Biology Dept, Stanford University [ Link to Publications]

* Daniel M.T. Fessler, Department of Anthropology, UCLA [ Link to Publications]

* Bernhard Fink, Department of Sociobiology/Anthropology, University of Goettingen, Germany [ Link to Publications]

* Maryanne Fisher, Department of Psychology, Saint Mary's University, Canada [ Link to Publications]

* Mark Flinn, Anthropology Dept, University of Missouri [ Link to Publications]

* Dorothy M. Fragaszy, Neuroscience and Behavior and Life-Span Developmental Psychology Programs, University of Georgia [ Link to publications]


* Steven W. Gangestad, Psychology Dept., University of New Mexico [ Link to Publications]

* Steven J. C. Gaulin, University of California, Santa Barbara [ Link to Publications]

* David C. Geary, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia [ Link to Publications]

* Nick Gessler, Anthropology Dept, UCLA [ Link to Publications]

* Gerd Gigerenzer, Max Planck Institute for Human Development [ Link to Publications]

* Francisco Gil-White, Psychology Department, University of Pennsylvania [ Link to Publications]

* Herbert Gintis, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts [ Link to Publications]
* Karl Grammer, Director of the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Urban Ethology in Vienna/Austria [ Link to Publications]

* J. Patrick Gray, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee [ Link to Publications]

* Bjorn Grinde, Norwegian Institute of Public Health [ Link to Publications]

* Michael Gurven, UCSB Anthropology Dept. [ Link to Publications]


* Edward H. Hagen, Institute for Theoretical Biology, [ Link to publications]

* Raymond Hames, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Nebraska, [ Link to Publications]

* William D. Hamilton -- [ Memorial Website]

* David G. Hays, Research on cultural evolution, cultural complexity, evolution of technology [ Link to Publications]

* Henry C. Harpending, Anthropology Dept, University of Utah [ Link to Publications]

* Martie G. Haselton, Communication Studies & Dept. of Psychology, UCLA [ Link to Publications]

* Kristen Hawkes, Anthropology Department, University of Utah [ Link to Publications]
* Joe Henrich, University of Michigan, Business School [ Link to Publications]

* Gregg Henriques, James Madison University, Combined-Integrated Doctoral Program, [ Link to Publications]

* Ronald Henss Research on Face Perception, Personality Impressions, Physical Attractiveness, Waist-to-Hip Ratio, Evolutionary Psychology, Personality Psychology, etc. [ Link to Publications]

* Barry S. Hewlett, Dept. of Anthropology, Washington State University, [ Link to Publications]

* Elizabeth Hill, Psychology Department, University of Detroit Mercy [ Link to Publications]
* Kim Hill, University of New Mexico [ Link to Publications]

* Sabine Hoier, Psychology Department, University of Kassel, Germany [ Link to Publications]
* Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, Anthropology, serves on the editorial boards for The American Journal of Primatology, Evolutionary Anthropology, and Human Nature [ Link to Publications]

* Nicholas Humphrey, London School of Economics [ Link to Publications]


*William Irons, Northwestern University, Department of Anthropology [ Link to Publications]


* John A. Johnson, Psych Dept, Pennsylvania State University [ Link to Publications]
* Douglas M. Jones, Anthropology Dept, University of Utah [ Link to Publications]


* Satoshi Kanazawa, London School of Economics [ Link to Publications]

* Hillard S. Kaplan, Department of Anthropology, [ Link to Publications]

* Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway [ Link to Publications]

* Douglas Kenrick, Psychology Department, Arizona State University [ Link to Publications]
* Doreen Kimura, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Canada [ Link to Publications]
* Lee A. Kirkpatrick, Psychology Dept., College of William & Mary [ Link to Publications]

* Dennis Krebs, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University [ Link to Publications]

* Daniel Kruger, Institute for Social Research, Michigan University [ Link to Publications]

* Jeffrey Kurland, Dept of Anthropology, Penn State [ Link to Publications]

* Robert O. Kurzban, Psychology Dept, University of Pennsylvania [ Link to Publications]


* Jane B. Lancaster, Anthropology Department, University of New Mexico [ Link to Publications]

* Norman P. Li, Psychology Dept, University of Texas at Austin [ Link to Publications]
* Andrew J. Lock, School of Psychology, Massey University, New Zealand [ Link to Publications]

* Bobbi S. Low, School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan [ Link to Publications]
* Virpi Lummaa, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield [ Link to Publications]

* John Lycett, Psychology Deptartment, University of Liverpool, UK [ Link to Publications]


* Kevin MacDonald, Psychology Department, Cal State Long Beach [ Link to Publications]

* Ruth Mace Biological Anthropology, University College London [ Link to Publications]
* Dario Maestripieri, University of Chicago, Department of Psychology [ Link to Publications]
* John Manning, School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool [ Link to Publications]
* Frank Marlowe, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University [ Link to Publications]
* Frank McAndrew, Psychology Department, Knox College [ Link to Publications]
* Donald McBurney, Psychology Department, University of Pittsburgh [ Link to Publications]
* Richard McElreath, Anthropology Department, UC Davis [ Link to Publications]
* Kimber Haddix McKay, Anthropology Department, University of Montana [ Link to Publications]

* Linda Mealey, Psychology Department, College of St. Benedict [ Link to Publications]
* Mary Midgley, Originally of the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Link to Publications

* Manfred Milinski, Department of Evolutionary Ecology, Max-Planck Institute, Germany [ Link to Publications]

* Geoffrey Miller, Psychology Department, University of New Mexico [ Link to Publications]
* Michael E. Mills, Psychology Department, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles [ Link to Publications]


* Nick Neave, Division of Psychology, University of Northumbria, UK [ Link to Publications]

* Randolph M. Nesse, Department of Psychiatry & Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan [ Link to Publications]


* James F. O'Connell, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Utah, [ Link to Publications]


* Jack Palmer, University of Louisiana at Monroe [ Link to Publications]

* Lars Penke, Institute of Psychology, Humboldt University of Berlin [ Link to Publications]

* David Perrett, School of Psychology, University of St. Andrews [ Link to Publications]
* Steven Pinker, Psychology Department, Harvard University [ Link to Publications]

* Steven Platek, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Liverpool [ Link to Publications]

* David Puts, Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University [ Link to Publications]


* Robert Quinlan, Anthropology Department, Ball State University [ Link to Publications]

* Vernon L. Quinsey, Psychology Department, Queen's University, Canada [ Link to Publications]


* Peter J. Richerson, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, U.C. Davis [ Link to Publications] Note: Several papers by Richerson are also co-authored by Rob Boyd, (who is on this list), and some can be downloaded on Boyd's page.
* Alan Rogers, University of Utah. [ Link to Publications]

* Percy A. Rohde, Psychology Department, University of Kassel, Germany [ Link to Publications]

* Matt J. Rossano, Psychology, Southeastern Louisiana University [ Link to publications]

* Stephen K. Sanderson, Sociology Dept, Indiana University of Pennsylvania [ Link to Publications]

* Mark Schaller, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia [ Link to Publications]
* Wulf Schiefenhövel, Human Ethology Group in the Max-Planck-Society [ Link to Publications]

* David P. Schmitt, Psychology Department, Bradley University [ Link to Publications]

* Rebecca Sear, Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics [ Link to Publications]
* Nancy Segal, Psychology Dept., California State University, Fullerton [ Link to Publications (p. 15)]
* Todd K. Shackelford, Psychology Department, Florida Atlantic University [ Link to Publications]
* James Sidanius, Psychology Department, UCLA [ Link to Publications]

* Joan Silk, Anthropology Department, UCLA [ Link to Publications]

* Irwin Silverman, Department of Psychology, York University [ Link to Publications]

* Jeffry Simpson, Psychology Dept., University of Minnesota [ Link to Publications]

* Devendra Singh, Psych Dept, University of Texas, Austin [ Link to Publications]

* E.O. Smith, Anthropology Department, Emory University [ Link to Publications]

* Eric Alden Smith, Dept of Anthropology, University of Washington [ Link to Publications]

* Elliot Sober, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin [ Link to Publications]

* Richard Sosis, Department of Anthropology, University of Connecticut [ Link to Publications]

* Dan Sperber, French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) [ Link to Publications]
* Frances Steen, Communication Studies, UCLA, Runs "Cogweb" site. [ Link to Publications]
* Frank Sulloway, Psychology Department, UC Berkeley [ Link to Publications]


* Randy Thornhill, Biology Department, University of New Mexico [ Link to Publications]
* Peter M. Todd, Indiana University [ Link to Publications]

* John Tooby, Anthropology Dept, UCSB [ Link to Publications]

* John Townsend, Anthropology Department, Syracuse University [ Link to Publications]

* Martin Tovee, Dept. of Psychology, Newcastle university [ Link to Publications]

* Robert Trivers, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University [ Link to Publications]



* Johan M.G. van der Dennen, University of Groningen [ Link to Publications]

* Mark Van Vugt, Department of Psychology, University of Kent, United Kingdom [ Link to publications]

* Eckart Voland, Zentrum für Philosophie. und Grundlagen der Wissenschaft der Univ. Giessen, Germany [ Link to Publications]


* Xiao Tian Wang, Psychology Department, University of South Dakota [ Link to Publications]

* Paul J. Watson, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico [ Link to Publications]
* David Waynforth, Dept. Of Psychology, University of Durham [ Link to Publications]

* Glenn Weisfeld, Deptartment of Psychology, Wayne State University [ Link to Publications]

* George C. Williams, Biology Department, State University of New York at Stony Brook [ Link to Publications]
* David Sloan Wilson, Psychobiology Program, Binghamton University, State University of New York [ Link to Publications]
* Glenn Wilson, Psychology Dept., Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, University of London [ Link to Publications]
* Margo Wilson, Psychology Dept, McMaster University [ Link to Publications]

* Bruce Winterhalder, Anthropology Dept, UC Davis [ Link to Publications]





# cite book
first = Eric Alden
last = Smith
authorlink =
coauthors =
year = 2000
month =
title = Adaptation and Human Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective
chapter = [ Three Styles in the Evolutionary Analysis of Human Behavior]
editor = in Lee Cronk, Napoleon Chagnon and William Irons
others =
edition =
pages = 27-48
publisher = Aldine de Gruyter
location = New York
id =
url =

# cite book
first = Kevin N.
last = Laland
authorlink =
coauthors = Gillian R. Brown
year = 2002
month =
title = Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour
chapter =
editor =
others =
edition =
pages =
publisher = Oxford University Press
location = New York
id =
url =

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