Gauss sum

Gauss sum

In mathematics, a Gauss sum or Gaussian sum is a particular kind of finite sum of roots of unity, typically

:"G"(χ, ψ) = Σ χ("r")ψ("r")

where the sum is over elements "r" of some finite commutative ring "R", ψ("r") is a group homomorphism of the additive group "R"+ into the unit circle, and χ("r") is a group homomorphism of the unit group "R"× into the unit circle, extended to non-unit "r" where it takes the value 0.

Such sums are ubiquitous in number theory. They occur, for example, in the functional equations of Dirichlet L-functions, where for a Dirichlet character χ the equation relating "L"("s", χ) and "L"(1 − "s", χ*) involves a factor


where χ* is the complex conjugate of χ.

The case originally considered by C. F. Gauss was the quadratic Gauss sum, for "R" the field of residues modulo a prime number "p", and χ the Legendre symbol. In this case the alternate form for "G" as a pure exponential sum is obtained, removing the character by adding the relation that the sum of the "p"-th roots of unity is 0. Quadratic Gauss sums are closely connected with the theory of theta-functions.

The general theory of Gauss sums was developed in the early nineteenth century, with the use of Jacobi sums and their prime decomposition in cyclotomic fields. Sums over the sets where χ takes on a particular value, when the underlying ring is the residue ring modulo an integer "N", are described by the theory of Gaussian periods.

The absolute value of Gauss sums is usually found as an application of Plancherel's theorem on finite groups. The determination of the exact value of Gauss sums, following the result of Gauss on the quadratic case, is a long-standing issue. For some cases see Kummer sum.

ee also

* Stickelberger's theorem
* Hasse-Davenport relation
* Chowla-Mordell theorem


*cite book | author = Ireland and Rosen | title = A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory | publisher = Springer-Verlag | year = 1990 | id=ISBN 0-387-97329-X

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