- Russian mat
Mat ( _ru. мат, матерщи́на, ма́терный язы́к) is a Russian
patois language, based on the use of specific generally unprintableobscene words. Russian mat makes it possible to have a conversation (although not always insulting, but always emotional) using only obscene words, which is what sets Russian mat apart from the obsceneties of most languages. Russian mat is an indispensable attribute of any group consisting solely of males, only recently beginning to get into the females-only groups, and the practices of mat speaking in the mixed groups are to be reduced to the last twenty or thirty years. [Vadim Mikhailin, Russkii mat kak muzhskoi obstsennyi kod: problema proiskhozhdeniia i evoliutsiia statusa (Russian Mat as a Male Obscene Code: The Problem of Origin and Evolution of Status) (Saratov, 2003)] . Use of Russian mat in a public place constitutes a form ofdisorderly conduct , punishable under article 20.1.1 of theOffences Code of Russia .Background
The origins of mat are lost in the mists of time. Russian anthropologists think that it evolved from ancient myth and magical beliefs. However, they offer divergent interpretations of the basic formula. [http://www.pipss.org/document93.html|Vadim Mikhailin, Russian Army Mat as a Code System Controlling Behaviour in the Russian army] It is commonly believed that the name mat derives from "mat′" (Russian "мать", "mother," where the prime represents the soft sign, which signals
palatalization of the preceding "t") The term might rather come from a word meaning "loud yell," which is now used in only a few expressions such as "благим матом". The the use of mat is widespread, especially in the army, the criminal world, and many other all-male milieus. The basic formula of mat, in its most common variant, is: YOB TVOYU MAT' (fucked your mother), with the familiar "ty" form expressing contempt. In this variant the subject of the sentence is omitted, but there is also an expanded variant in which it is made explicit: PYES YOB TVOYU MAT' (a dog fucked your mother). [http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/8513.cfm#2 Mat JRL RESEARCH & ANALYTICAL SUPPLEMENT ~ JRL 8290 Issue No. 28 • December 2004 ] Mikhailin points also to the social influence of the criminal milieu through the labor camps, where criminals were favored and allowed to dominate the "political" prisoners. Thus thieves' (blatnoi) customs, esthetic standards, and jargon (of which mat is part) penetrated the law-abiding population, especially the male adolescent subcultures of city courtyards.That mat belongs to the ancient layers of the Russian language (the first written mat words date to Middle AgesFact|date=August 2008). It was first introduced into literature in the 18th century by the poetIvan Barkov , whose poetry, combining lofty lyrics with brutally obscene words, may be regarded as a forerunner of Russian literary parody. Non-native speakers of Russian are generally advised to be conservative about employing the terms or to shun them if they tend not to use their equivalents in theirfirst language .Fact|date=May 2008 A non-native speaker who attempts to use mat often unintentionally sounds ridiculous to Russian speakers.Fact|date=May 2008Classical poetry with mat
Mikhail Lermontov ("Peterhof's holiday" - "Петергофский праздник",1834 :And so, I will not pay you:However, if you are a simple " blyad' ":You should consider it an honour:To be acquainted with the cadet's " khuy"!:Russian::Итак, тебе не заплачу я::Но если ты простая блядь,:То знай: за честь должна считать:Знакомство юнкерского хуя!
Ivan Barkov ("Luka Mudischev", prologue; actually, this work was probably written at some time in the mid 19th century, but was ascribed to Ivan Barkov, an equally obscene poet who lived in the 18th century [http://barkoviana.narod.ru/luka_preface.html Лука Мудищев» — история и мифология расхожие заблуждения "Luka Mudischev" - The History and Mythology:Widespread Misconceptions (in Russian) accessed Aug 8, 2008] ):Oh you, men' wives, or widows fair,:Or maids with 'cherry' there intact!:Let me tell you some humble fact:About fucking out there.:Make fucking fair and accurate,:The rarer fuck means fortunate -:The Holy God shall save all ya:From some disorderly "ebnya".:As uncontrollable-kind passion,:Leads only to disaster's ashen,:And satisfied you won't be right:With usual "elda"-bearing knight.:Russian::О вы, замужние, о вдовы,:О девки с целкой наотлет!:Позвольте мне вам наперед:Сказать о ебле два-три слова.:Ебитесь с толком, аккуратно,:Чем реже ебля, тем приятней,:И боже вас оборони:От беспорядочной ебни!:От необузданной той страсти:Пойдут и горе и напасти,:И не насытит вас тогда:Обыкновенная елда.
See also
*Russian proverbs
*Russian humour
*Russian jokes
*Ivan Barkov Notes
External links
* [http://www.plutser.ru/ Русский мат с Алексеем Плуцером-Сарно] - The online version of the Dictionary of Russian mat by Alexei Plutser-Sarno ru icon
* [http://www.russki-mat.net/ Russian slang explained in English, French and German]
* [http://www.notam02.no/~hcholm/altlang/ht/Russian.html The Alternative Dictionaries: Russian Mat]
* [http://www.languagehat.com/archives/000833.php Cited portions of aThe New Yorker article.]
* [http://www.pipss.org/document93.html Russian Army use of mat]
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