Gianni di Venanzo

Gianni di Venanzo

Gianni di Venanzo (December 18, 1920 - January 3, 1966), born in Teramo, Abruzzo, was a distinguished Italian cinematographer.

He collaborated with several notable directors, working on films such as "L'amore in città" ("Love in the City"), "Le amiche" ("The Girlfriends"), "Il grido" ("The Outcry" ), "La notte" ("Night") and "L'eclisse" ("The Eclipse"), all directed by Michelangelo Antonioni ; "La sfida" ("The Challenge"), "I Magliari" ("The Magliari"), "Salvatore Giuliano", "Le mani sulla città" ("Hands Over the City"), and "Il momento della verità" ("The Moment of Truth"), all directed by Francesco Rosi; "" and "Giulietta degli spiriti" ("Juliet of the Spirits") both directed by Federico Fellini and "Eva", directed by Joseph Losey. His last film was "The Honey Pot" (1967) directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz.

He died in Rome.

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