- Iresine
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Iresine herbstii"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Caryophyllales
familia =Amaranthaceae
subfamilia =
genus = "Iresine""Iresine" is a genus which have a number garden
ornamental plant s in the familyAmaranthaceae . These plants are found in the wild in tropical America, and there are between 20 and 25species . However, only some species are usually cultivated because they have colored foliage, which is called bloodleaf.Species include:
Iresine angustifolia " Euph.
*"Iresine argentata " (Mart.) D. Dietr.
*"Iresine diffusa " Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. (= "Iresine celosia, Iresine celosioides, Iresine canescens, Iresine paniculata" (L.) Kuntze", Iresine elongata")
** "Iresine diffusa f. lindenii" (="Iresine lindenii")
*"Iresine elatior "
*"Iresine flavescens " Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd.
*"Iresine grandiflora "
*"Iresine herbstii " Hook. ex Lindl.
*"Iresine heterophylla " Standl.
*"Iresine keyensis "
*"Iresine leptoclada " (Hook. f.) Henrickson et Sundberg
* "Iresine macrophylla "R.E.Fr. (= "Cruzeta celosioides" (L.)M.Gómez , "Celosia paniculata" L., "Iresine celosioides" L.)
* "Iresine polymorpha "Mart.
*"Iresine palmeri " (S. Wats.) Standl.
*"Iresine rhizomatosa " Standl.Some members of the genus are used as additives to some versions of the hallucinogenic drink
Ayahuasca . [ [http://www.serendipity.li/dmt/hoasca.html#tbl1 Ayahuasca Analogues] ]References
General references
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.