

name = Tuga

website = [http://www.qilinux.com www.qilinux.com]
developer = [http://www.qinet.it QiNet]
family = Linux
source_model = Open source
latest_release_version = 2.0
latest_release_date = August 1, 2006
updatemodel = APT
package_manager = Synaptic
supported_platforms = i386
kernel_type = Monolithic kernel
ui = KDE
license = GPL and other licenses
working_state = Current

Tuga is the Italian operating system built from QiLinux for desktop systems.

Based on QiLinux 2 technology, it's easy to install for every kind of computer (desktop or notebook) and it comes out with a collection of software for every needs. It's a multimedial, simple and light operating system.

It is sponsored by the Italian company [http://www.qinet.it QiNet] and sold on the [http://www.qilinux.com official website] of the distribution.

Table of version

External links

* [http://www.qilinux.com Tuga website]
* [http://www.qilinux.com/index.php?option=com_jd-wiki&id=english Tuga wiki]
* [http://www.qinet.it QiNet's website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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