stretch — [strech] vt. [ME strecchen < OE streccan, akin to Ger strecken < IE * sterg < base * (s)ter , to be stiff, rigid > STARE] 1. to hold out or reach out; extend [to stretch out a helping hand] 2. to cause (the body or limbs) to reach out … English World dictionary
stretch — stretch1 W3S3 [stretʃ] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(make something bigger/looser)¦ 2¦(body)¦ 3¦(reach)¦ 4¦(make something tight)¦ 5¦(time/series)¦ 6¦(in space)¦ 7 stretch your legs 8 stretch (somebody s) patience/credulity 9¦(rule/limit)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
stretch — 1 verb 1 MAKE STH BIGGER/LOOSER a) (I, T) to make something bigger or looser by pulling it, or to become bigger or looser as a result of being pulled: My big, blue sweater has stretched completely out of shape. b) (intransitive not in… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
rule — I n. regulation principle 1) to establish, lay down, make (the) rules 2) to formulate a rule 3) to adopt a rule 4) to apply, enforce a rule 5) to obey, observe a rule 6) to break, violate a rule 7) to bend, stretch a rule 8) to rescind, revoke a… … Combinatory dictionary
rule — ▪ I. rule rule 1 [ruːl] noun 1. [countable] an official instruction that says how things should be done or what is allowed: • The phone companies are working under new rules now. • The company broke government rules to undercu … Financial and business terms
rule */*/*/ — I UK [ruːl] / US [rul] noun Word forms rule : singular rule plural rules 1) [countable] a statement explaining what someone can or cannot do in a particular system, game, or situation We need new club rules before we start looking for more… … English dictionary
rule*/*/*/ — [ruːl] noun I 1) [C] a statement that explains what you can or cannot do in a particular situation grammatical rules[/ex] Players who break the rules are sent off the field.[/ex] You should always follow these simple rules when using electrical… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
rule — rule1 W2S2 [ru:l] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(instruction)¦ 2¦(advice)¦ 3¦(normal/usual)¦ 4¦(government)¦ 5¦(grammar/science etc)¦ 6 the rule of law 7 the rules of natural justice 8 rule of thumb 9 make it a rule (to do something) … Dictionary of contemporary English
rule — 1 /ru:l/ noun 1 INSTRUCTION (C) an official instruction that says how things must be done or what is allowed, especially in a game, organization, or job: the school rules | against the rules: You can t come in if you re not a member it s against… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
rule — rule1 [ rul ] noun *** 1. ) count a statement explaining what someone can or cannot do in a particular system, game, or situation: We need to change the club rules before we start looking for new members. rule of: the basic rules of the game… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English