Carlo Simi

Carlo Simi

Carlo Simi (November 7, 1924- November 26 2000) was an Italian architect , production designer and costume designer, who worked frequently with Sergio Leone and Sergio Corbucci, giving their spaghetti westerns a unique look. Most famous for his costume and set designs for "Once Upon a Time in the West" Simi also built the town of 'El Paso' in the Almería desert for Leone's second Western, "For a Few Dollars More". Built around a massive bank, with vistas of the Tabernas desert visible between buildings, the set still exists, as a tourist attraction called "Mini Hollywood". Simi played the bank manager in that film: it was his only acting role.

Simi died in Rome in 2000. Some of his costumes and set designs where exhibited at the Autry Centre / Museum of the American West in Los Angeles in 2005.

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